Are You Contaminated?

posted in: Faith, Salvation, Uncategorized | 1

2 Corinthians 7:1

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

We know that we have an invisible enemy lurking everywhere! We also know that we will be able to get back to our normal lives…soon. But, at that point will we really be contaminate free? Oh sure, our hands and surfaces will be clean and sanitized. We will be much more careful about touching our surroundings…and face. Yet, none of those contaminants have the power that one contaminate has. Oh, it is often invisible, but there is no amount of hand sanitizer or bleach that will rid you of this contaminate.

Its name is ‘sin.’ Sin was the problem that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden, never to return. Their perfect world-shattered for a bite of fruit. Sin is the invisible culprit that will break up marriages, give us depression, drive us to alcoholism, drug use, theft homelessness, (not to mention a plethora of other ills) because we have no hope. Sin is responsible for all of the terror, financial woes, and often a general lethargy we feel about life.

What is the antibiotic that can combat this awful virus? There is only one… Salvation through Jesus Christ. When I was a teenager I first heard the term ‘saved’. I kept asking ‘saved? saved from what?’ Finally a friend took to the church he went to and I heard the whole story about the gospel of Jesus, right from the Bible. Now, I went to church every Sunday until I was 14, but I never heard the ‘good news’ that Jesus saves. I went through many deaths of loved ones in my teen years. Their funerals were all in churches. Yet, I never heard the ‘good news’ about Jesus. I did finally stop going to church for two years. I was not asked about, called or visited by a priest who could tell me about the love of Jesus. I was lost! I did not know my purpose in this life. I had very little self-worth, and no direction in life. I was at a cross road that could have gone very badly, but…God intervened.

For the first time in forever, I heard what I needed to be saved from. HELL. I heard that sin is a great chasm that separates God from man. Jesus Christ laid His life down on the cross to become the bridge between God and man. While it is for every man, and woman, we need to make the choice to accept the beautiful gift He provided for us…the way to the Father God.

Once I heard this good news, I knew that is what I wanted-and needed! I did ask Jesus to forgive me of my sins and guide and direct my life. I now have the Holy Spirit within me, comforting and guiding. I was never the same! All my old insecurities vanished. I became a new creation. I have never looked back! There is nothing in my old life I would want to return to.

Well, that’s my story. You may have your own story about what God did in your life. I would love to hear it. Write to me in the contact section. If you don’t have a salvation story, it’s easy to get one! Easy as ABC! A, accept what Jesus did for you on the cross. B, believe He took your sins as His own. Confess your sins to Him and ask for His forgiveness. Now you are ‘saved’ from the pit of hell and on your way to Heaven! Hallelujah!

If you just made this confession of faith, let me know. I would love to pray for you in your new life in Christ.

Please ask yourself; If I were to die today, where would my soul be resting for eternity, Heaven or Hell?

  1. Ron

    Thank God you came to church with your friend and not only heard but also accepted the gospel message. When God was bringing you into your full calling He was really thinking about me! Forty-five great years and counting!

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