Guilty as Charged!

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Psalm 32:1-2

Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.

Guilty as Charged!

It was a beautiful summer day in the early evening  when I was driving home on Main Avenue in our little town.  I had the tunes blaring, the windows down and something I was pondering filled my mind.  I drove right through a recently turned red light!  Though I was not aware that I did it, and no one was coming the other way, a policeman doing his sworn duty…caught me.  Immediately the lights were blaring and the siren signaled I better pull over; the police are after someone and need to get by me.  Then I found out-it was me he was pulling over!

Of course, I put my window down the rest of the way, put my hands on the wheel, and waited.  Boy they take a long time to get out of the car and walk the three feet to mine.  Afterward I learned he was ‘running my plates’ to see if I was legal, or did I have any outstanding warrants, etc.  Finally, he was beside my car asking if I knew what I did.  I was not really sure, but, I might have just run that red light.  Bingo! 

I admitted my wrongdoing, reached for the information that he asked for, and noticed his name badge.

“Are you related to Mike Martin?”  (not real name). I asked .   “Do you know Mike Martin?” came his stern reply.

“Yes, he goes to my church.”  I answered.  His face softened, “He is my brother.”  “Oh, he’s a good friend of mine.  I probably saw you at his Birthday party last year.”  I replied. I was not really trying to schmooze him, just being friendly. 

I saw him tear the ticket and the copy for his record out of his book.  Thinking it was coming to me, I put my hand out for it and said, “I am sorry officer, my mind was somewhere else.  I should have been paying better attention.  I intend to do so from now on.”  I thought I covered all my bases and maybe he would be merciful since I had no other infractions.  What he did next shocked me!  He tore up the ticket.  I was dumbfounded.  I thought I was not reading this clearly.  I had not been stopped by a policeman since I was 16 and I was identified incorrectly.  I did not know what to do next.  He said, “you are free to go.”  I thanked him.

I drove the three blocks to my home shaking while the weight of that encounter sunk in.  I was guilty.  I was going to receive the pronouncement of my deserved punishment.  I said one name.  I was free!

Do you see the significance of this encounter?  The next day I sat with paper and pen (this was before computers, that’s how long ago).  I wrote a beautiful letter to the officer explaining that what he did for me was what Jesus did for all of us when he took the cross for my guilt. 

I never heard what happened when the officer received the letter.   In fact, I have even lost track of Mike.  But I know this, God’s Word does not go forth without producing fruit.  Maybe at some point the policeman will be in a hard spot and remember the woman who deserved a ticket, but did not get one, and what that meant in the spiritual world.

Here’s a thought for you.  In our day to day world it is sometimes difficult to find the right opportunity to share Jesus with people.  However, sometimes the Lord allows events to occur so that the opportunity is facing us.  What do we do with it?  First we need to have our eyes open to the opportunity.  Second we need to take full advantage of it.  That may be the only opportunity that person will hear the clear message of the gospel.  Make sure you are prepared to give it.  It’s as simple as a,b,c!

A   Admit you have sinned.  1 John 1:8 8If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

B   Believe in the Savior John 3:16 NIV For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. NIV: New International Version

C. Confess and forsake your sin 1 John 1:9   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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