Mission: FOCUS!

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John 17:4 4

I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.

I am speaking for myself now when I say that I have been in a rut! Not the day to night pajama rut, but a rut nonetheless! I think I am kind of a homebody, and since that’s what we have been forced to do, I got very comfortable in my routine. Oh, I had a list, followed it (pretty much) did work around the house, spent extra time in prayer, study, keeping in touch with people etc. Now, I am facing a different type of stress…return to business! Yes, I am stressed about it. Running here, teaching there, company, shopping, visiting, trips, aghhhhh

So, the Lord knows all about us, right? He planned my Bible reading in Luke 10:38. I am sure you are familiar with it, the story of Mary and Martha. Almost immediately I saw it! I have read this story so many times, even site it in Bible studies, but, this was a different thought. This was a ‘light bulb’ thought!

So, I believe each of us has been given a destiny by God. We have gifts and talents we can use to further His Kingdom. One of mine is writing. Over many years I dabbled in writing. Yet, I never really knew what I was supposed to be doing for God with my writing, until recently. Why? Well, that’s the focus of this post. When the Lord gives you a talent He expects you to use it for Him!

Here’s the ‘light bulb’ moment. I was distracted from writing for many years. Either I was busy with children, or had to have a paid position, or just did not know what venue to use. Like Martha, I allowed so many of the distractions of this world keep me ‘project-focused’ instead of ‘mission focused’. Too often my gift was gathering dust in the corner! What’s the difference? I mentioned my list up above. Now a list is a great incentive, but it should reflect our mission. Instead, I had my chores listed, the places to go, the people to call. I would be obsessed with getting the list done before I did the ‘mission -focus items. My day would be gone, side-tracked by project-focus. Mission focus would be gone, again. That makes someone happy, but NOT Father God.

My boss at a bookstore (she owned the store) was a writer. I asked how she writes so many books. I think she had five in her series. She told me the Lord will not allow her to move on with her day-until she writes. It did not have to be a whole novel, or even a chapter. She just had to write! I call that Mission-Focused. In the story, that was Mary Her Mission was to soak up every word she could while she had the living Word in her home. I would imaging just sitting in the same room with the Son of God would be a sublime experience.

In another blog I said I believe the Lord is holding back on His return until more people come to Him. I believe our mission-focus should be to invite them to come. We just invite, the Holy Spirit does the preparing of their heart, and Jesus forgives them. We just need to invite.

We each need to find out how WE are best equipped to invite. Not everyone does it the same way because the people we invite would not receive it the same way.

So, that’s what the Lord told me this morning For me, writing is the way I am reaching. Guess what? He wants to tell you too. Just ask Him what is the best way for you, with your unique set of gifts and talents, to reach others for Him.

We cannot all be missionaries, but we can all be fishers of men, and women! So, I have decided I will not put my writing on the back burner! When some busy tries to pull me away, I will stand firm and use an old slogan, ‘just say no’! We don’t have to be and do everything for everyone, we serve only One Master!

I the verse above from John 14:7, Jesus reminds us even he had a given task to complete for His Father. Through His finished work, He brought God’s glory to the earth. Our task is a bit different, we bring glory to the Father. We will not all do it the same way, our talents are each different, but it must be our mission, and we must be focused on it. Especially as the day grows nearer.

Jeremiah 33:3 remember tells us to ask Him for information we have not other way of knowing. He will tell you the answer. Please reply below the blog I want to hear from you!

What has God gifted you with that you can use to reveal Christ to others?

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