The Triplets

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I John 2:28

And now, dear children, continue in Him so that when He appears, we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming.

I have some questions for you. How long has it been since you thought of yourself as a child? If you have grown children, do you still think of them as children? Remember the way you felt when your parents caught you doing something you were told not to do? Or, do you remember the look on your children’s faces when you caught them doing something they weren’t supposed to do?

Now, let’s talk about the fact that in the eyes of God, we are still children! Today’s scripture verse is specifically calling us children. In our eyes when we reach age 18-21 we are making most decisions on our own. We may have our own apartment and be out from under Mom and Dad’s roof and rules. We may have jobs, a car, a spouse, or even our own children. But still, God is calling us “dear children” in His Word.

Let’s look at what a child is. I was just at someone’s home with 5-month-old triplets. Imagine that. This single Mom had to run some errands, get groceries, prescriptions, formula and diapers. So, in our church we have a group of people who have signed up for 3-hour shifts (after background checks, of course) while she does the necessary things that keep a household running. And since my hubby and I are retired, we volunteered!  

Of course, we first got a quick overview of their schedules — each are different. Each baby has their own bottle and formula. Their cribs each have their names. That is helpful, but… only if you know who is who! Sara needed medication within 30 minutes after eating. However, she fell right to sleep after her bottle. Ben guzzled his bottle. We changed his diaper, and he went back to sleep. But Kira, well, she was not having any of that! Her shock of red hair (the other two are bald) and her cry, told me she was her own little person and she was just not wanting that bottle! She is breast fed and does not want a bottle just because her Mom is not there. It’s not Kira’s fault.  

Obviously, we felt bad — but rocking, walking, cajoling, music and even my singing just did not help! When Mom came to the door, she knew just what was the problem. We left quickly knowing we had done our job. Now she and she alone had to do hers. 

Yes, we are still children too. Some of us are like Sara and Ben. We follow the rules, go by the book, do as we are told. Compliant. Some of us, like Kira, want what we want, and we want it now!

Think about being Ben and Sara as you stand before God. “Lord, I did as You asked me to do. I followed Your plan to the best of my ability, with Your help. I was confident You were always there to guide me and help me when I needed it. I can stand here with a clear conscience.” And Kira? Well, she represents those of us who like to push the envelope. She makes her own schedule and rules, and forgets where her life and everything she has came from. She will also stand before God one day, the Creator of the Universe, and I fear she will be ashamed. She did not do the simple little things, like drink her nourishment, and live it.

How many of us are like Kira? We think we know better, pushing away God, the only One with the hope, the answers, and the help in our lives. These three precious babies will grow and change and make decisions to follow on the Godly path… or not. One thing that will not change… they will always be God’s children.

Who do you identify with? If you still behave like Kira, and you are an adult, take a minute and re-evaluate your life. Are you listening to your Father God, or self? Kira, Ben and Sara are still infants. They will grow and change, learning new patterns and ways to achieve their goals. However, they will always be children of God, as are we. We will always be connected to Him with ‘heart strings.’ Some may try to break those strings, but it is impossible. We will always be attached to our Creator.

I don’t know about you, but in my home things always went better for me if I did the right thing, the right way, the first time. I find it is the same with God. If we live by His book, our lives will be better and we can stand before our Father, unashamed.

(Additional Reading: Romans 8:16,17)

Question: As a child of God, can you remember a time He asked you to do something, and you disobeyed? Feel free to share your learning experience in the Reply Box below.

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