posted in: Faith | 2
There is more to be seen beyond those clouds.

Revelation 1:7 7

“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen.

Years ago my husband and I went for a tour of the ‘Moravian Tile Works’ and ‘Fonthill Castle’ in Doylestown Pa. It was an amazing tour of a life time of work by a very eccentric and very creative man, Henry Mercer. The home he lived in was virtually all concrete because he had a crippling fear of fire. He was amazingly creative in tile work, but only after he discovered he did not have a talent in other forms of clay work such as vases and bowls. I would highly recommend going to see this ‘National Historic Landmark’. The tiles on the floor in the Harrisburg, PA capitol rotunda, all 16,000 of them, were crafted by this very creative man. They depict the history of Pennsylvania in those small squares and rectangles of glazed clay! As a creative person myself, I am in awe each time I view them.

One of the fascinating tiles I saw there had a phrase in Latin forged into it. I saw this phrase repeated many times on many different tiles, and it fascinated me. What does it mean? Finally I was able to get to the gift shop, and found more tiles with this phrase. So, I asked what does this mean; Plvs Vltra’? I did not know if is was a local motto, a team motto or even a political mantra. Remember this man was very eccentric! Well, when I found out what it meant, I was somewhat enraptured! The phrase, in Latin means, ‘more beyond’.

My finite mind went on a vacation right then and there…’more beyond’. It encapsulates every dream, every wish, every hope for our future, right it 2 words!

What do those words; more beyond’ bring to your mind? At times, I imagine we are all wondering, what is beyond this life on earth. But remember, there is still something far beyond that! Look at those clouds again. Someday, in clouds just like those, we will see Him! Does your heart race hearing that? Re-read those words in Revelation…’every eye will see him’. I am just blown away! He is coming again, it’s sooner today than yesterday, but we still don’t know when!

In our day to day lives, with bills and a myriad of responsibilities, we can push His return to a corner in the back room. Yet, we don’t want to be so engrossed in the responsibilities of this life that we don’t hear the rumblings or the clear note of trumpet sound, or don’t see the signs of clouds parting and the feet of Jesus peeking through!

We must always be on high alert! For, in a moment when we are not paying attention, He may come!!

So, let me ask you; Will you be ready for His appearing? It is the most critical question you could ever ask yourself. Be honest. If you need help answering, or have questions, please contact me at the end of this blog, in the reply section. I will answer.

2 Responses

  1. Ron

    Your writing skills continue to amaze me! Great story! When can I expect the book to be available?

    • Donna

      Thank You dear! I so appreciate your support!! I think I need a year of blogs under my belt before I publish. 😉

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