Mom, I Wanna Be A Witch!

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Deuteronomy 18:10

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,

1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from every form of evil

It was getting close to Halloween and my friend Patti and I were chatting about what costumes we would try to rig up that year. Patti’s Mom walked in the room and heard us and Patti blurted out, “Mom, I wanna be a witch for Halloween!” My eyes got big and I backed away. “What’s wrong?” Patti asked. “I would be in big trouble with my Mom if I ever even asked to be a witch,” I replied. “Why?” asked Patti. “I’m not really sure, I just know she does not like witches or devils or anything like that creepy stuff, and won’t even let us play with any of it.” Patti was confused, and really, so was I.

Patti’s Mom did get her the witch costume. I, on the other had, had a Mom who said, “I have no money to spend on foolish costumes. You are creative enough to come up with something yourself.” And I did. My Mom sewed most of my clothes, so there was a plethora of scrap materials in her scrap drawers that she allowed me to use. I got some white net and gathered it, making a skirt, with her help. I wore a white shirt and her white high heels from her wedding day. She allowed me to wear her long white gloves, and my veil with a crown attached, from my First Holy Communion. She put a little blush and mascara on me, then we took some plastic flowers out of a vase, tied some bows on them and I had my bouquet!

When Halloween finally came, I peeked out my window at Patti as she came to my front door on Halloween, I gasped! She was a witch alright, complete with the green face, the wart on the nose and the pointy hat and broom. When she saw me in my Bride costume, she burst into tears. Her Mom was there and asked, “what’s wrong honey?” “I’m ugly!” was Patti’s reply! “I wanted to be pretty, like her.”

I never did find out what Patti thought a witch was going to look like, but nothing about their name or their character lead me to believe that witches would be pretty! In so many ways that in an illustration of why we have to be so careful even just ‘dressing up’ like a devilish creature. That ‘spirit’ of the enemy can come upon you, and even overtake you with evil or just depressing thoughts. On the other hand, I was dressed like ‘The Bride of Christ.’ What could be more beautiful than that?

Well, Patti and I both learned a lesson that day. I learned why my Mom did not want me to be dressing up like those evil and ugly characters! Our self esteem is a fragile thing as a child and we should not dress as something where we will face rejection at every door! I also learned that we all can become the ‘Bride of Christ’ when we give Him our heart and life. He wants us only for himself and does not want us being tricked by the enemy of our soul. Oh, I also learned that there was enough scrap material in my Mom’s stash for Patti to be transformed into a Bride also, with the help of our Mom’s, of course!

Please be careful when you choose your activities and costumes on this day set aside for trickery and evil. Remember Who you are, and Whose you are and portray His attributes!

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