Ichabod In The Field

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1 Samuel 4:21 21She named the boy Ichabod, saying, “The Glory has departed from Israel”-because of the capture of the ark of God and the deaths of her father-in-law and her husband.

This blog was written by my son Aaron, he is the Children’s Ministry Director at Servant Church of the Abingtons.

It is a beautiful field; a field in the center of town, close in proximity to stores, a community center, police headquarters and rescue command, not to mention all the homes that are nearby. Each time I pass by this field just one town over from the city I live in I shake my head in amazement in how beautifully green the grass is and how well manicured it always seems to be, however like everything, there is a story behind this field.

                You see this field was not always just a field, there was a church of who’s majesty it represented and congregants that attended was a foundation of spiritual influence in the community it served. This church with a capacity of several hundred within a community of a few thousand was THE church that most families attended over many generations. It was THIS church that supported the community with outreaches, dinners, giving to the needy and raising up the next generation of adherents to the word of God. However, something tragically happened.

1 Samuel 4:21 states:  And she called the boy Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed from Israel,” (NAS)

                This church went through a very difficult period, much like Israel they began to lose sight of their true calling and vision set forth by God himself. Instead of being focused on the community of souls around them and the influence of light they had from within. They sadly became inwardly focused and no longer stood for what was right, true, and just but turned over those responsibilities to the community around them. It didn’t take long before attendance began to suffer, ministry began to diminish and the light of influence began to dim until no light could be recognized on that beautiful, sanctified holy ground once set apart for the glory of God’s kingdom work.

                Several years ago, the church I was attending was seeking out property to relocate the assembly. We toured this facility and saw the great potential with its buildings on the campus as well as the wonderful ministry opportunities available in the heart of the community. However, due to serious neglect of the facilities we had to turn away for the project and task at hand would be too much to undertake for the resources available to us at that time. Do I believe that God is in complete and total control? Absolutely. Do I also believe that it is possible to walk outside of God’s will and let man’s plans interfere with God’s will? Again, sadly yes.

                My heart’s plea to each of us is to never allow the promise and calling that once burned brightly in our lives to become so diminished through compromise and weariness to do God’s will. Otherwise, we are no different than a field that held a spirit of God now departed. May Ichabod never be spoken over, about or to any of us – May HIS glory NEVER depart from us!

                Below are some pictures showing the progression of time from the church as it once stood with its steeple removed due to lightning striking it years after it was for sale, to the eventual culmination of its demolition to the vast expanse of a field void of life and glory today.

                As we pray and meditate on God’s word today, may we hold fast to the promise found in Haggai 2:9 ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,'(NAS) declares the LORD of hosts.” May that ring ever true in each of our own lives!

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