
posted in: Promises of God | 0

Ezekiel 48:35  (NLT)  “The distance around the entire city will be 6 miles. And from that day the name of the city will be ‘The Lord Is There.

I have a favorite relaxing pastime.  Making greeting cards!  At the end of each month I sit at my craft table and fashion cards for friends and loved ones with a special occasion in the next month.  I make them many different ways; with ink stamps, with colored pens, watercolors, stickers, different elements from nature like dried leaves or feathers.  I stamp Birthday cards with the ‘flower’ of that month and ‘give myself credit’ on the back.  One special product I like to use is dimensional dots.  These small foam dots, stick on both sides so when you add them to your cards, the element you adhere to the dot, ‘pops’ out a bit, giving it center stage!

Those little dots remind me that we humans can only be in one dimension.  We only know what is happening in the here and now, never in the there and then!  I for one would like to know about the ‘there and then…but maybe not! 

Let’s take a look at one of the names of God; Jehovah Shammah.  It means ‘The Lord is There.’  When the idolatry of God’s chosen people, the Jews, became more than even God could bear, He said in effect; “I’m out of here, you are on your own.”  At that point the Israelite’s, and those around them, knew that God removed His hand of protection from them!  They would be scattered to the far corners of the earth and they were taken captives by surrounding nations.  Life did not go well for them during that time period.

Still, our loving Heavenly father did not completely leave them alone.  He was continually drawing them back to Himself.  In His love and mercy, He promised a restoration of the nation, and a return of His presence in Jerusalem.  In that day the city would be called Jehovah Shammah, I am there! 

That prophesy came true in the days of Nehemiah when the walls around Jerusalem were rebuilt and the people returned, rededicating themselves to God.  Later, God’s presence Himself returned to the temple in the form of a baby, brought by Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus.

So how does this name, Jehovah Shammah apply to us?  Well, we are people that often try to live our lives in the future.  The next big event consumes our time and energy.  Or sometimes it’s a projected disaster we are waiting for, a doctor’s diagnosis, a court sentence, the IRS audit! 

It is in these times, good and not so good, that we need to remember; GOD IS THERE!  Since He is already there, we have nothing to fear, He can handle it.  He knows our future and dwells in that dimension, as well as the dimension of our past!  And, a bonus, He walks with us in the present.

So, now every time I stick one of those tiny foam sticky dots to a card, I remember, My God is already in MY future, and he has told me; Jeremiah 29:11 11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In my one-dimensional life I just need to look to the one who has seen my past, walks with me in the present, and knows the plan for my future, and it’s good!  Thank You Jehovah Shammah!

Now I want you to look at the card I created, with dimensionals, just for you, my faithful readers. I want to wish for you a Blessed Christmas and Healthy New Year!

Question:  Is there something in your future you are concerned about?  He’s There already!

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