
posted in: Instructions, Promises of God | 0

Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

II Timothy 1:3-5

Many of you know that my Birthday is in September, and I like to celebrate it the entire month! I make sure that I pay attention to the small gifts that God, my family and friends-even strangers give me every day of that month. It may be a card or a gift, it might also be someone holds a door for me or compliments me in the grocery store. Especially during this birth month, I try to be aware of the special treatment I receive from God every day. Maybe the best parking space, maybe a phone call or text with good news. Simple things that remind me God sees me, He knows me, and He cares about me.

Well, this month is the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus, God incarnate! I am proposing to you that for the next days YOU give Him a gift every day! What can we give to the King of Kings? The creator of the Universe? The One who has everything and NEEDS nothing?

HE WANT’S US! He wants us to live healthy and productive lives having fellowship and friendship with Him. How? Glad you asked!

Read His autobiography-the Bible! Yes, it is His autobiography because He was the one who inspired the men to write the words, so we now have His-story!

When we read an autobiography, we become immersed in the life of the writer. We get to know their likes and dislikes. We find out what makes them happy and sad. Throughout their story we become ‘attached’ to them and look forward to getting back to the story whenever we have a spare minute!

This is the fervor we should feel when we are reading God’s autobiography! What happens next after God made the universe or Noah built the ark, or Paul got bit by the snake? What does God want us to do with the life He gave us? All these questions, and so much more are written for us to be able to find out what Jesus wants for His Birthday.

We often ask kids to make a list for us, so we know what to get them that is something they really want. God gave us a list too! Here are just a few things on His list.

feed the hungry

give to the poor

visit the sick and imprisoned

pray for those who have been nasty to you

pray for those who have abused you

The title of this blog; ‘Charis’, is the Greek/Hebrew word for ‘good-will, loving-kindness, favor, in particular for God’s merciful grace. This is the gift Jesus wants from us bestowed to others! So, it takes 30 days to instill a new habit into our established routines. How about if we start today and make ‘charis’ to others our new habit until our new year. By that time, it will become an entrenched habit, and we can offer it up to Jesus as our Birthday gift, every day of the year. After all Jesus deserves gifts all through the year, not just His birth month! I think He would like that gift-don’t you?


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