Grant’s Debut!

posted in: Encouragement | 0

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might…

Grant as ‘Phineus’, the reporter in “Willy Wonka Kid’s”

Grant as ‘Grandpa Joe’ in Willy Wonka Kid’s

Well, he has been bit- by the acting bug! Just like his father before him, and his grandmother even before his father. We know it has happened because when our son took Grant to another stage production, Grant walked into the theater and announced ‘this is where I belong!

I chuckled when our son relayed that event to us because I know the feeling. “The roar of the grease-paint, the smell of the crowd’ as the saying goes.

It is nerve wracking and exhilarating at the same time. Just the thought of getting up in front of a crowd may be terrifying to some, to others-it’s home!

Recently we travelled to the King of Prussia area to watch our grandson in his first production. He is a member of an acting studio, The Plymouth Performing Arts Center, ( which rehearses and performs at the Plymouth Meeting Mall. The experience is very beneficial for him on several levels. Of course, he has to learn his lines, and they asked him to play 2 parts, so there was another aspect of stage acting to learn. He had to be responsible for his own clothing changes, his cues, his dance moves and all his positions on stage for each scene and each character.

Another element he had to learn was getting along with the rest of the cast members when they had not met before rehearsals began. In one of his scenes, he ‘ad libbed’ a bit when someone missed their entrance cue- Grant adapted to the situation, developing a great skill for an actor… and a great skill for life.

When the production ended that afternoon, it was a let-down! All that work for only one presentation! But wait! There were so many people who wanted to see it that could not (the auditorium was full) that the studio held it over for another week! I would say that Grant’s first major role on stage was a success. Oh, did I mention, he is only 9 years old?

In the spring he is planning to try out for “Frozen”. Hmmmm, maybe Kristoff? no, Hans, wait, he says Olaf! Guess this Nana will just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I keep looking at the pictures and reliving the fun…his…his dad’s and mine! Break a leg, Grant!

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