‘Are We There Yet?’

posted in: Heaven | 1

John 14:6 6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

If you have ever taken a road trip with kids (or been a kid yourself on a road trip), you have heard this question expressed; ‘are we there yet?’. When the answer is not suitable, a deep groan usually ensues. We like to be where we planned to go!

A few years ago I took my two grandchildren on a trip to a park we had not ever been to before. It was a beautiful summer day, I had my GPS system loaded with the address, we had water and snacks, we were off! After the time allotted by the navigation system, it said, ‘you have reached your destination’. I stopped the car and looked around. My grandson was exasperated. “Nana, you brought us to a cemetery?” I was looking at it too, an old very run down cemetery with a few flags flying over a few old graves. Not what I we were expecting, at all.

I looked at the GPS, at the address, and back again at the cemetery. What happened! This is not where we were supposed to be going.

Well, I still don’t know exactly what happened with Gladys (my name for the GPS). She was a little confused. I had a choice to make as I stared at the tombstones. Turn around and go home, or continue to search for my planned destination. I was able to re-trace my directions and finally we found what we were looking for, and much more! The park was beautiful, well maintained, and we had a wonderful day. I made the right choice.

The experts will tell us that the motivation to keep on going when the path you have chosen seems out of reach, or too difficult to get to, is the thought of that destination you envision in your mind.

Many people have gone through the most horrific situations against their will, and survive, by keeping a vision of their future success in their mind’s eye. Holocaust victims, prisoners of war, victims of crimes keep hope alive in their hearts by envisioning their future…free and whole.

We will have an ultimate destination when our physical bodies run out of strength for life. There are only two choices we can enter into our eternal ‘GPS’ system…Heaven , or Hell. God made it so easy to enter Heaven into the system; choose Jesus. However, if we fail to choose because we cannot decide, we have inadvertently made the decision for Hell. Since no one knows when the time of our death will happen, it’s best to be ready.

Set your GPS with your choice today, while you can. One thing I will say, you can trust God’s Providential System. He, and only He sent someone who took our place when a price had to be paid for our wrongs against God. We will ultimately end up at a cemetery, but, only the physical body. Our eternal body will be at the glorious new destination, Heaven.

Today my husband is officiating at a funeral of the Mom of some dear friends. He was able to tell the family with assurance, she chose Heaven. She told my husband she made that choice.

So, here’s my question; Have you set your GPS system for Heaven? Remember the default is Hell. Make the decision today.

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