Lessons Learned from the Ark!

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Genesis 7:1

Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.”

Yes, I am thinking about Noah’s Ark! Most of us know the story; God told Noah to build an ark in the middle of the desert. It took Noah 120 years to build it, and over that extensive lifetime, people laughed-instead of repenting from their wickedness. When the vessel was finished. Noah and his family got in, along with 7 of every kind of animal that we have today. Then, God shut the door, and no one else could enter-or leave! Then it began to do something it had never done before-it rained! It rained for so long and so hard that the people that mocked Noah, now begged him to let them in. It was too late for them. Every man, woman and animal, drowned. Then the boat lifted from earth and began to float.

Here are some insights we can gain from Noah and his adventure on the high seas.

First, PREPARE Remember it wasn’t raining when Noah began to build the ark for protection from the rain. Wait…What’s rain?

DON’T MISS THE BOAT God gave the people 120 years of opportunities to change their behaviors and reserve their cabin on the boat. Not one of them listened to Noah and none helped or changed! Even when people don’t learn from us, we must be the good example and stick to what’s right anyway.

STAY IN SHAPE Noah was 600 years old when God asked him to build a boat. You never know when God might ask you to do something amazing!

DON’T LISTEN TO THE CRITICS Yes, there will always be the jealous nay sayers. Check out what they have done. Probably nothing, but they want to discourage you, so they don’t look so bad. Just keep working!

TRAVEL IN PAIRS It helps to have a second pair of hands, eyes, and a different prospective on the project.

SPEED IS NOT ALWAYS AN ADVANTAGE. Remember, the snails made it on board with the sloths. So what if the cheetah’s got there first?

FLOATING HELPS IN TIMES OF STRESS Sometimes a time of just resting and praying is the best thing to recharge your motivation.


WE ALL HEADED TO THE SAME BOAT, AND YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT! We only get one go around in this life. The choices we make here will determine our eternity. Eternity is a l o n g time to be on the wrong side of the door of the boat.

NO MATTER WHAT THE STORM, WHEN YOU ARE WITH GOD THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A RAINBOW WAITING! Aghhhhh Peace and serenity can be our motto when we have made the choice to ‘get into God’s ark of safety! See you there!

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