A Daily Seven Up!

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Psalm 57:7

My heart is fixed, Oh God, my heart is fixed.”

January is notorious for the opportunity to start new-good habits! We plan to lose a few pounds, go to the gym, start a journal, eat better, or maybe take a class. I have done them all! This year I am purging my house of clothes and tchotchkes that I no longer need. Paperwork that has taken up valuable real-estate in my file cabinets filled large trash bag! It is very rewarding when the job is done, and the space looks fresh and full of possibilities. Still, there is no lasting value in the huge effort it takes to finish the task-and maintain the finished habits.
May I suggest to you a habit to begin in 2023 that will stand the test of time and it will return dividends to you like none of the above? It is the ‘Seven Up’ daily habit. Allow me to explain.
Several years ago, hubby and I went on a retreat at a center in the Pocono’s. We stayed in a simple, but clean and efficient cabin. Left behind on the coffee table was a small brochure that described and outlined this simple habit of developing a daily ‘quiet time’ with God. The basic concept is to carve only 7 minutes out of your schedule and dedicate it completely to a God focus. It seems that 5 minutes sounds too short, and 10 minutes may sound too long, developing the habit of 7 minutes seems just right to get started on a productive daily habit!
Here’s the nitty-gritty. You may need to get up 7 minutes earlier, but just seven minutes is not a huge chunk of time. Consider this your 7-Up refreshing motivator for the day.

First, find a quiet place where you and God can spend 7 minutes together.

Then invest 30 seconds, yes seconds, preparing your heart. Thank God for your good sleep, and the opportunity of a new day. Ask the Lord to cleanse your heart so you can be filled with the scriptures Holy Spirit will speak into your life. Ask Him to fill your heart with His presence and your mind with His thoughts and direction for the day.

The next 4 minutes, read a passage from the Word! Allow the Word to come alive in your heart and mind. Memorize a verse, if you can. If not, write it down on an index card and refer to it through the day. Meditate on it and allow it to become part of you. I suggest the gospels to start, Psalms are good for memorizing too. Don’t race through it to see how much you can read in 4 minutes! It’s quality-not quantity that will change your life for the better.

After God has spoken to you through His Word, you can speak to Him in prayer. You have 2 and a half minutes to speak to Him in prayer. I like to use the ‘ACTS’ reminder for my prayers.

A-Adoration! Just what it says. Pour out your adoration for a God that has no rival and no equal! THE creator of the universe, and all things in it, no matter what the scientists say!

C-Confession! Confession is agreeing with God that you missed the mark. We all have! By confessing it, we can be forgiven and move back into right status with our loving but perfect Heavenly Father.

T-Thanksgiving! No, not the November day for generally giving thanks, this is very specific thanks to our God who made us, loves us, walks with us and has forgiven us. So much to thank God for, this won’t be enough time!

S-Supplication This word means ‘to ask for, earnestly and humbly.’ This is the time to ask for others in need of prayer, than ask for your own needs. He wants to help!

So, to re-cap your 7-up prayer; 30seconds focus your mind for prayer, 4 minutes, read the Bible, 2 and a half minutes, pray the ACTS way.

I hope you like this guide! It is just a little way to get everything remembered and covered! I usually find I have spent way more time on a couple of the segments. That’s ok. Remember it’s a guide to keep you on the track of prayer and not go off on a detour! Hope it helps!

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