Movie Review!

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I Corinthians 15:51

We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.

I am up against a ‘hard break’ with this post. This movie is only in today and tomorrow and then we will have to wait for it on DVD, YouTube, or another venue. I’M NOT SURE WE HAVE TIME TO WAIT! In this area it is in Regal and Cina-Mark only Saturday and Sunday!

So what is the urgency? Our eternal destination, and that of our loved ones hangs in the balance-literally!

The movie is directed by Kevin Sorbo and stars himself and his wife. It is an updated version of “Left Behind’ from the 70’s. It is ‘Left Behind, the Rise of the Anti-Christ’.

While the movie is updated with current technical capabilities, it does not have the actual ‘tribulation event’ where people leave the earth. It portrays what happens AFTER the rapture.

How will people respond to this? Unfortunately, as our media spins current news, this event will have a socialist spin as well. The occurrence will be called, ‘vanishings’ and the ‘science’ will attempt to give a scientific explanation for the occurrence. Not only that but there is a ‘news story’ that predicts that there will be other vanishings, and only a few days later there are. At least that is what the media and science is saying.

With all that we just went through with the pandemic and the false information, mandates, lockdowns etc., it is clear to see how easily people will be duped into believing what the news government tells them. As a result, I STRONGLY SUGGEST that we all see the movie, then do our own Biblical study to find out what GOD says about this topic.

The movie continues with those left behind trying to find their way through this maze of misinformation. Fortunately, there were people (just like in Noah’s day) that tried to tell their family, friends and co-workers that they needed to be ready to face their Maker-God. When they were left behind, the light bulb went off and they realized that they should have listened. Our God is a God of second chances, so, there is hope for those left behind. It won’t be easy, it will be painful, but it is doable!

I will be continuing to share on this topic, including ‘instructions for those left behind’. We care for them now, even if they won’t listen, we want to make the path clear for them if they find themselves left. Best thing, however, is unapologetically tell everyone they can-get ready NOW! When my mom was struggling with some health issues and she was in and out of the hospital multiple times, and at a moment’s notice, I told her to pack a bag to take with the basics to be prepared if she had to go again. She used that bag several times and was happy to have it. WE will be happy when our ‘bag is packed’ and we can leave with Jesus, meeting Him in the air in a twinkling of an eye! How do we be sure our bag is packed? Ask Jesus into that space in your heart that has been yearning for Him!

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