Bracelets, Books and Blessings

posted in: Encouragement | 0

Luke 6:38

(NIV) 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Sometimes I just want to start on a new craft idea! Often people will give me things that motivate my interest in a particular craft. For example, last summer I received a lot of fabric and trim from someone. With my Mom’s help, we made many items that we were able to donate to the Dominican Republic. Other items were sold at Servant church to benefit ‘Samaritan’s Purse’ last fall. Well, my granddaughter just gave me a lot of beads that she no longer wants. They did not sit for long before an idea struck me.

I have seen jewelry with the year 1973 engraved on it. I was not sure what that was referring to, so I researched it. It seems that the people that are pro-abortion wear ‘1973’ jewelry. This signifies the first year it was legal to murder babies in the womb. Therefore, without saying a word, people wear the year in their jewelry, and we know their stance. Pro-Life people counter that by wearing the ‘1972’ to remember the last year it was illegal to murder a baby in the womb. It is a subtle, yet effective way to announce that you are for life! I have one. People do look at it but have not questioned me…yet! I am prepared with the answer when they do.

My wheels were spinning! I did not have number beads, so on a shopping trip we found them, and the creating began! I made several with ‘1972’. As a spin off on the ‘1973’ ‘death bracelet’. I started putting positive words and phrases in the bracelets. I also have 2022, for grads last year, and I can make them with name or year per request. Names are also popular with the younger crowd. I am telling you this because they are for sale, along with my book! The proceeds for both will go to ‘Deeper Still of Pocono Mountains’. This is a ministry that serves to help women and men who have suffered an abortion. At a retreat setting the guests are taught and prayed over, receiving healing for their deep wound. This quote by Corrie ten Boom sums it up nicely; “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not DEEPER STILL”. Coming from a survivor of a concentration camp, this says a lot.

Oh, where is my book being sold you ask? You can purchase it on Amazon or Barns and Noble. If you are near me, I will sell you one directly for $17.00 and $5.00 from each book will go to Deeper Still.

If your church or Bible Study is interested in having me for a book signing, or Bible Study, please contact me by email at ; I will be honored to be there!

Now, for the blessing part of this blog. Any time we give of our time, talent or treasure, we are blessed by the Father many times over! The verse above tells us our vessel will be running over!

If you reach me here or at my email, ‘ requesting a bracelet, I will send it to you. Give me your address and a $6.00 check for each bracelet. (Covers postage). Profits from the bracelets will go to support the ministry, “Deeper Still”.

Bracelets and books serve a very important function. You will be blessed by the book, you will express your pro-life self with the bracelet, and you will be giving to a cause that desperately needs our attention as believers. Win-Win-Win!

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