“Matthew 5:16 NIV
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
Have you noticed how we are drawn to items that sparkle? I’m not sure how it happens but if we are watching something at a ball game, a picnic, even in church, as soon as someone moves a hand with a diamond, it catches the light, and our attention! Girls, remember when you got your diamond engagement ring? When I came in the house with the ring on my finger the family immediately saw the sparkle and crowded around me to get a better view. Sparkle, it’s an attention grabber!
Imaging if we as believers ‘sparkled’ like that? Imagine walking into a room and a crowd gathers around you asking; ‘what is that sparkle I see?’ That is what the scripture above is imploring us to do. “Let your light shine.” When I read that I realized that it did not say “tell everyone about your sparkle.” It did not say, “put an article in the newspaper listing places you sparkle.” Nor did it say, “rent a billboard and post it on a busy highway for all to see your sparkle.” It said, ‘let it shine for others to see.’
Like the diamond that catches the eyes of those around you, when you do a good deed people around you will catch the sparkle and they will question; Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Would you do such a thing?
Bang! Opportunity is knocking at your door. Open it and share the answers to those questions. Your Heavenly Father will be glorified.
Sparkle…Let’s take the 6 questions journalists ask to get their story and we will get our answers. First, Who? Who should sparkle? Well, just like the girl with new engagement ring when Jesus changes our heart we WILL sparkle! We will not be able to keep ourselves from sparkling!
Second, What? What has made this change that is making me sparkle? It is the promise God gave you, I am with you, nothing to worry about. Sparkle Season!
Third, When? As soon as possible show your sparkle. No need to wait until you are in church or Bible study, you can sparkle everywhere! There are no laws against sparkling either, so sparkle away!
Fourth, Why? Imagine for a minute you won the Publisher’s Clearing House. You get the prize, plus $7,000.00 a week FOR LIFE! Your head would be spinning,YOU WOULD SPARKLE! You have money! You spend it, either foolishly or wisely, but there is an end to the cash flow. Sadly that sparkle will fade as people ask for your money, get angry if you don’t give it to them, you loose it, or it’s stolen! It is an item that has an expiration date.
But, Imagine you have just signed the deed for a property in Heaven. The deed also states, you will not be without anything you need, you will never be sick…never, and you will never die, AND you will be living in the same development as the Creator of the Universe, God! I am sparkling just writing this!
Fifth, Where should we sparkle? Everywhere you see darkness. People are sad, discouraged, hopeless and weary. A sparkler in the crowd brings a little light to their face and a spark in their step. Just the knowledge there is still hope and you are sharing it with them, brings them a sparkle.
Sixth, How do we sparkle? This is the best one. We do not need to know how. I have seen many people either get up from an altar after giving their heart to Jesus, or, after I have prayed the sinners prayer with them, or even when I see them the next time after they received Jesus in their living room with a TV preacher. You just cannot help it…You Will Sparkle!
I don’t know about you but I think we need a lot more sparklers in our world. Do you know how we can get more? Share the light from our sparkler. The amazing thing is, we will loose nothing by giving away some of our sparkle, and they will gain, well, eternity!
Go ahead, sparkle, and leave some of your sparkle everywhere! It’s always Sparkle Season!
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