Promises Made…Promises Kept!

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Psalm 50:15

…and call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me.

I stood at the window, my tears flowing as quickly as the rain that pelted against the pane. How did I allow this to happen again? The date was set, the calendar marked, I am ready, and… no show!

This was not the first time this happened to me. For years I had this same scenario play out over and over, yet, every time I had hope that this time the promise would be kept.  

How many of you can relate? A deadbeat Dad that stood you up? A boyfriend that never even called? A promised check? Bonus? Trip? It all boils down to the same thing… disappointment, a broken heart, a broken promise!

So, while it may take some time to trust again, you can trust the One who placed the stars, and wrote the promises!

He says, “Call on Me, I will deliver you in the day of trouble.” Does He say you won’t have trouble? NO. In fact, He says in this world you WILL have trouble. (John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”)

It’s nice to receive a promise of something. Just don’t depend on it too much! The promise giver is only human, after all. Trust in the ‘Divine Promise Keeper.’ He will never stand you up – He will always deliver and never break your heart.

Ask yourself: “What kind of a promise maker do I trust?” 

(For further study… look up some promises God has made in the Bible.)

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