Where Did Jesus Go?

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After Jesus he was arrested he went on to be beaten beyond recognition, then on to his crucifixion. It is a horrible death that I would rather not describe here. You can read it in John Chapter 19.

But I always wondered what happened after he died and before he showed himself to Mary. Did he just lay in the cold dark tomb enjoying a well deserved rest? Did he go to the Father for a visit after not seeing Him for over 30 years? Did he go somewhere else?

We must go to the cross to get the answer.

Luke:23:39-42 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ?” Save yourself and us.”

But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

It was shortly after that , Jesus took his last agonizing breath, and went to Paradise. Immediately the curtain that separated the area only the priest could enter, from the people, was torn in two. That separated area was needed no more. This signifying that there would no longer be a separation between God and man. No intermediary person, (the high priest), had to pray for us. We could go to our elder brother Jesus on our own behalf.

There was an earthquake, rocks split and tombs broke open. THE BODIES OF MANY HOLY PEOPLE CAME TO LIFE AND THEY APPEARED TO MANY PEOPLE. Imagine seeing that! The entire area reacted to the death of Jesus.

So, Jesus went to Paradise! He said that is where he planned to go, and he would take the thief that was hanging on another cross, because the thief had asked for forgiveness. I imagine Jesus and his Father God had some catching up to do. Wait, Since they are both God, they were already caught up. Maybe it is satisfying just to sit in each other’s presence! ‘I am so happy to be home Dad’, says Jesus. Ahhhhhh….my son is home!’, Father God replies.

Now lets go to Revelation 1:18 (see the photo) You see this is the Divine Revelation John received from God on the Isle of Patmos on the Lord’s Day. When John saw Jesus, he fell at his feet as if he were dead! I would do that too! Jesus placed his hand on John and said: “Do not be afraid, I am the first and the last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever. AND I HOLD THE KEYS OF DEATH AND HELL.”

Keys…keys to any place allow us to enter, and prevent others from entering. Jesus went to the pit of hell and confronted his enemy Satan. Not sure how he was able to get the keys, but we do know Jesus is more powerful than the devil! He holds the keys to hell. He holds the keys to death. Since Jesus holds those keys, we should have no fear over issues that plague us about death, or hell. Let those questions fall by the wayside as you trust that Jesus has those keys. Since Jesus has those keys, do you think he will ever allow the enemy of your soul in? Never!

Question; Have you turned the keys to your heart and life over to Jesus? It’s not to late to do it now.

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