False Miracles?

posted in: Christ's Return | 0

Romans 3:13

Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.

We all have had or seen a miracle in our lives, I am sure. Lately we have been hearing so much about AI, Artificial Intelligence, that it is worth thinking about in a Biblical sense, in the light of miracles!

The definition of AI is: The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making, and translation between languages.

I would include; AI makes things appear or sound real-when they are not!

Boy, this adds another layer to the already long list of Biblical standards we must watch for. I say that because we are told in the Bible that in the last days men will be deceived. Well, I always thought that if I studied the ‘real thing’ long enough (The Bible), the counterfeit would be an obvious deception. Now with AI I have some doubts! It will become so much more difficult to distinguish between the two!

I heard recently about a phone scam where the deceiver can take only a ‘snippet’ of a voice and replicate it almost exactly. They then call someone trying to extort them of money to ‘rescue’ their relative from some dire situation. A loving grandparent with a trusting heart can fall prey to the wiles of this AI scheme.

Unfortunately, AI can, and has been used on much larger scales. I wonder if this is another scheme the enemy is ‘trying out’ to see if we will believe his lies and fall into his trap.

One recent trap I have heard floating around are the ‘id chips’ to prove or disprove your vaccination status. You have probable heard some as well.

How about the tricks the enemy will perform in the end time with wounds/death and back to life? Revelation 13:3 tells us; ‘One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.’ AI at it’s best, I am sure! Recently a projection of Whitney Houston (dead many years) that looked real and current, was seen on YouTube. It’s happening now.

How about when the rapture occurs? How easy would it be with AI to project a ‘false’ rapture or event of some kind that would help explain the real event to the unbelievers left behind! Thus deceiving them to believing it was NOT what their relatives had been warning them about.

I just want us all to continue to put on our ‘thinking caps’ and ask Holy Spirit for the TRUTH! He will give it to us as He does not want us to be deceived.

Jeremiah 33:3

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.

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