Why is Satan Laughing?

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Matthew 7:15

Watch out for false profits. They come in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

In the perfect world that God created there was no sickness, no death, no sorrow, no worries! When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, so did every other vile thing that the enemy had concocted to set a trap before our eyes. Funny thing though, satan’s traps do not come to us in the ugly, smelly, sick easily identifiable kind of temptation that would be instantly recognized as something that we do not want. No, he shows up in the most stylish of clothing, the most fashionable and expensive jewelry, and of course, promises you everything you always wanted! He fails to tell you there is a very high price to pay for it! Eternal damnation.

You know that old saying, ‘if it sounds too good to be true-it is?’ That is satan’s motto! But still, he makes it sound so good that it becomes irresistible.

We must always keep our guard up, our armor on and our Sword of the Spirit sharpened! That Word remember, is like a 2 edged sword. It cuts when you use it as people hear it, and as it changes their lives for good.

In the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, we hear God giving an admonishment to Cain. in Chapter 4 verse 8, ‘And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And it’s desire is for you, but you should rule over it.’

I picture a devilish little gremlin crouching behind the door of my heart. It is searching the entire perimeter of my heart looking for the tiniest of cracks to pry open with his evil temptations. He laughs with the most heinous of laughs when he lures another one off the path that leads to a Godly life of security with Jesus.

Unfortunately for Cain he gave in to satan’s temptation of jealousy for his brother. Though God did spare his life, he was cast out and had a ‘branding’ showing everyone that he was a fugitive from God.

Now is the time to slam that door to the tricks of satan! None of them are new, none are irresistible. God provides a way to escape every temptation known to man. SLAM THE DOOR! (even on his fingers)

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