Prince of the Air!

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Ephesians 2:1-2

And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air. of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.

Of course I always knew that satan was a real power. I always knew he was Prince of the Air. What I did not realize was how active he is in our everyday lives. I guess I made an assumption that he was pretty low key, in the background, ‘won’t bother me if I don’t pay attention to him’. Wrong assumption! I have always stayed away from anything that even remotely looked questionable in the evil vein. No crystals, chakra, reiki, astrology, horoscopes, tarot cards. Even astrology signs and any movie, tv show or book with witches or anything mentioned above was off limits for me. I did not want the devil to see a pin prick where he might see a way to force his slimy despicable claws into my life!.

Then I watched the movie ‘The Sound of Freedom’! My perception changed and my eye’s have been opened to the power of the demons and satan all around us! People walk around in their everyday lives completely unaware of the power they ALLOW satan to have in their lives! Seemingly innocent items carry a plethora of evil that we just accept as ‘cutsie’ . Instead, it permeates into the fiber of our being and colors the cloth our nation, and even our churches are made of.

Without giving away the movie plot, because I want you to see it and become informed, I will just tell you that Hitler and his henchmen must have trained these people in their deceptions!

All things begin with an innocent. concept. Beautiful children were scouted out for modeling jobs to help their very poor family earn much needed cash. It goes into the depth of hell itself from there! One man did what our government did not even commit to doing (probably because they get some type of a financial kick-back). He rescued 54 children in the movie. Since then he has rescued thousands more. Once they are rescued, there is an aftercare for them to help return them to their childhood, if it is at all possible.

As we move closer to Christ’s return, satan knows he is running out of time and he is using all the weapons he has at his disposaal. He steals…children, their innocence, sometimes their lives. He kills. Through abortion over the last 50 years more than 60 million lives have been murdered. He destroy’s. He repeatedly makes people feel confused and worthless in their God assigned gender. That person is very quickly offered a mutilation process that will not help them, but confuse them even more, possibly to the brink of suicide.

Hitler learned his lesson well from satan…start with the children. Where are the drag queen’s going? Kid’s! Where is all the woke and crt trash infiltrating? Schools.

The first line of defense that we have in our arsenal is the knowledge of God’s Power! As we just learned in my last blog…put on the whole armor of God. Saturate yourself with His Word…His Word supports Life, and life abundantly! It is the GOLD standard that everything we allow in our lives has to pass through before getting the green light to enter.

Let’s think about some of the ‘abominations’ that have infiltrated this country while we were not paying attention to ‘the world!

In government; many in the government are corrupt, liars, unpatriotic, ignore or misquote the Constitution. They agree with the murder of babies, they disagree with parents who want better for their children. They promote the mutilation of children and permanent sterility of children. They lie about pandemics and mask children. They rig elections, allow drug cartels to come through open borders with illegal drugs that are killing our people. They defund the police, do not prosecute murder, but prosecute and imprison many who exerted their Constitutional right to protest any one of these events.

I will share more on this topic in the near future, but I want to introduce you to a site that is doing something to help: O.U.R. Operation Underground Railroad. Go to for more information about this very active ministry, and of course, you can donate there also.

In the near future I will be posting jewelry I make to also support this cause. Please stay connected!


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