Is He Still Prince of the Air?

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Psalm 110:1-2

The Lord says to my Lord: ‘sit at my right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for your feet.’ The Lord will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying, Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

So, let’s dive a little deeper into this ‘Prince of the air, shall we? Just incase you thought that satan was the cartoonish character you see in kid vids. I want to dispel that image. He is a very real power that wants to get you to believe that he has no power. He was once in Heaven, remember? A beautiful angel whose pride got the best of him, causing God to toss him, and 1/3 of the angels out of God’s presence! Think about it; if you believe satan has no power to influence you toward his side, he has won half of the battle. The other half is as easy as showing you something that appeals to your human nature, and you are on the slippery slope.

Think about this. While we were sleeping, drag queens set up an agenda to enter our schools and ‘entertain’ our most impressionable very young children in Kindergarten. Their purpose was ‘desensitization and acceptance’. If at the tender age of 5 they can make the children believe this abomination of gender skewing is normal, later when they want to take advantage of them, the behavior they are suggesting, that once would repel them, now seems to be completely normal.

Recently I saw an advertisement in Kohl’s department store that caused me to react. Two men wearing ‘Be Proud’ t-shirts with rainbows on them were joyfully posing with three young boys wearing the same t-shirts. So, what’s wrong with this picture? Maybe the two men are brothers and they are posing with their sons? NOT That is clearly not what they want you to believe here. Kohl’s, a store that is supposed to be providing the public with quality merchandise to purchase, has moved into a LGBTQ+ agenda! Why? The percentage of gay etc. people is a fraction of what the straight/conservative buyers is. Same agenda as with the children; desentize and acceptance. Accepting their perverted and abominable agenda on this level will allow them to continue to press their agenda into every area of society. I will not accept it. As much as I do like shopping at Kohl’s, I will not be bullied by their extreme liberal agenda! My husband and I cut up our Kohl’s cards and returned them to the headquarter (found on internet). I also wrote a brief letter explaining why I returned them, and sent a copy of one of their ads.

Also in on this perversion is; ‘The Northface’, Petsmart, Target and Bud Light. We the consumer can very easily let them know how we feel about these changes in their advertisements by purchasing somewhere else! There are many other department stores, pet stores, winter clothing stores and discount stores to purchase our products from without funding these perverted agendas that have an ulterior motivation to get to our kids! Even ‘Bath and Body’ stores are a huge supporters of the murderous Planned Parenthood who try to convince you that they are about women’s health options. That is a small portion of their ‘business’. Murdering babies is a highly profitable and evil practice.

We as Americans are still responsible for the effects of these abominations IF we don’t stand up and SHOUT LOUDLY our disagreement of these practices. If we make our voices heard that Disney is NO LONGER SAFE entertainment for children as they push the LGBTQ+ agenda. When they went woke they lost a lot of business…I pray it continues until they see their demise! Wald Disney never had this in mind, I am sure.

Even the Muppets and Sesame St. are promoting the same agenda. Remember the mantra…get them young! Our mantra; SHUT IT OFF! Let old movies and current shows on Christian stations become your entertainment so as not to pollute our minds with the perversions of secular media.

Some positive places to invest your time and cash;

‘The Chosen’ You can access this on the CW station on Sunday evenings. Also, in DVD, on You Tube and Facebook. Follows the life and miracles of Jesus. No woke junk here! These videos and movies are funded by us!

‘Operation Underground Railroad’; Rescuing and aftercare for those rescued from child sex trafficking. Go see ‘the Sound of Freedom’, you will be astounded!

700 Club, Samaritan’s Purse, Convoy of Hope and TBN, both do wonderful works to help those in need of the gospel as well as physical help. All can be found on duckduckgo

Deeper Still, a ministry that helps those who have experienced abortion, forgive themselves and return to a productive life.

Options Women’s Center in Scranton is a place where women can receive pregnancy tests, clothes and other items for their babies, educational classes on parenting, and more.

Please make yourself aware of these-and other places of interest that do not ascribe to the woke crt (critical race theory) agenda! Maybe you will even feel like you should send some support?

Let me know your thoughts.

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