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“Note: it is illegal for me to use Barbie in a photo!”

Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those of you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Who did this to my Barbie???? I’m in my 60’s and Barbie was my playtime playmate with my girlfriends through my childhood years! What happened?

When the Barbie movie trailers began showing up on tv commercials I texted my granddaughter inviting her to go see it with me-an innocent afternoon of girl fun right? WRONG! Fortunately, she is more savvy about these things than I am. She said, ‘Nana, there are trans-gender overtones throughout the movie! The trailer’s are deceitful’. Of course, I believed her and retracted my invite. That was only the beginning.

Reading the reviews for the movie by Christian movie critic and Movieguide founder Dr, Ted Baehr gives a more complete and accurate view of the movie. On an interview with Billy Hallowell at www2.cbn.com, Dr. Baehr critiques this movie as ‘Hardcore Propaganda’! The movie comes with an alarming warning to parents, (and grandparents, I might add).

Apparently Mattel Toy company has moved into the think tank with the likes of Hitler and Marx ideologies. “Indoctrinate the children when they are young and you will have them for life”. “Destroy the nuclear family”.

In the opening scene girls are playing with baby dolls and they, “bash them and slap them” (I am adding; this would be bad enough to portray to young girls, condoning a behavior of child abuse). The scene continues with the girls proclaiming ,”we don’t have to be mother’s anymore”. ‘Subtle’ referral to abortion, and killing the botched abortion baby, a bill that has recently passed in CA! The enemy of our soul would like nothing better than for this world to stop bearing children so that ‘people’ become the next ‘endangered species’.

Throughout the movie Barbie is a hardcore feminist and paints men as the problem in society. She hates Ken and spouts that men are the villains. Dr. Baehr explains why this is damaging to young girls-and boys alike. The movie expresses to young girls that trans-boys can be better as girls-than girls! In our age where young people struggle with their self esteem and their identity, what better way to confuse young people even more.

LGBTQ themes are ‘extremely overt- not subtle, through the movie. according to Dr. Baehr. This also contributing to the confusion young people are facing at the very time in their lives when they need stability and structure.

Please do some research yourself before taking any young person to see any ‘innocent’ movie. Clearly the trailers for the movies are to get you interested enough to GO to the movie. Once you have spent the money, they win! There is nothing safe out there for their young and impressionable minds to absorb.

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