“Is This the Party to Whom I Am Speaking?”

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II Timothy 4:2

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.

Remember that Lily Tomlin quote in her comedy routine? Well, with all the ‘spam’ calls we get these days we must keep our sense of humor, or we could become very angry with the plethora of calls that take us from our tasks, or dinner, our children and everything else-important or not! I worked in advertising making calls on the phone and I would crack up when people would be so angry because I called at their dinner time. He says; “Don’t you know we are eating dinner?” My response, “No, sir, I really didn’t! I apologize.” (To myself-pictures through the phone have not been invented yet).

My husband preached a couple weeks ago and gave this suggestion to these nuisance callers…witness to them! He said the Lord showed his that he had many people come to him every day that he could witness to. This happened after he asked who to witness to since we are retired and see very few people on a daily basis.

He tried it, with some success. I tried it yesterday. Here is how it went;

CALLER; Hello this is Jessica from XYZ Company. How are you today?

ME; I am well, thank you. How are you Jessica?

CALLER;; I am well. I would like to ask you if you want to save money on your phone bill?

ME; I will answer you Jessica, after you answer this question for me…if you die today do you know where you would go?

CALLER; (with hesatantcy) yes,

ME; where?

CALLER; Heaven.

ME: Good…how do you know that? Can you be sure?

CALLER; I don’t really know.

ME; I can show you the way that will give you an assurance that you will go to Heaven. Would you like that Jessica?

CALLER; Yes, I would.

I continued. Told her she needed to ask Jesus for forgiveness and ask Him to take over her life. I asked her if I could pray that with her, and she said yes. I did. After I congratulated her for her decision and gave her instruction to read her Bible, pray and go to church, I said good-bye.

I think she forgot what she called to ask me!

I believe the Lord knows exactly who needs to talk to someone who will give them the gospel that day! We may not know, but there is no harm in giving the offer. They may reject right up front, and hang up. Then you have stopped a spam caller. They may be at a place like Jessica where they are willing to hear what you say and may ponder it even well after the call. Remember God’s Word does not return empty!

That was my very first time trying my husband’s method. I will be more prepared next time. I plan to make a little ‘cheat sheet’ with some scriptures, even some web sites, so they will have more information to continue to explore God and all His extravagant goodness.

Maybe when we enter Heaven we will find a section of people ‘saved’ through telephone spam calls! I’m looking for Jessica!

“Hello Is this the caller that was waiting for me to tell her about Jesus?”

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