Subtle September Cues…Autumn is Coming!

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Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon youand learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

We are being ushered into fall. Subtle cues from nature begin to remind us that the most changeable time of year is on its way! I see little forest animals stocking food for their hibernation. I see leaves hesitate as they are not quite ready to fall from trees. Many of my outdoor plants even began going to seed. All these clues, and so many others remind us of another September event; Back to School! While Mom and Dad are singing; ‘it’s the most wonderful (me of the year’, children are taking advantage of their last free days before knuckling down with the books! Retailers are reminding us all that we need every new notebook, backpack, sneaker and lunch box out there to have a successful school year.But what about you? Will you have a successful year in your life if you don’t invest some time and energy learning as well? No, I don’t mean you have to go back to school, I mean you can look into the Word of God and and many verses that instruct us about learning and studying, all through our lives. These verses are the focus for this month. The goal is to motivate you to learn something new. I have recently begun taking a ballet class, but you might be more a steel drum fan. Find something that interests you and jump in. It’s never too late to learn something different! It is good for your brain cells, your socialization skills, and your soul! It is also encouraging for children-and grandchildren to see the adults still learning!

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

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