I Watched it Myself!

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For several months now I have been preparing for this past weekend! It was the 4 days in Honesdale that would change many women’s lives, but especially the 6 women that were the participants in the retreat.

I am talking about ‘Deeper Still, Pocono Mountains’ Chapter. Deeper Still is a hands-on ministry helping women-and men, heal from an abortion wounded heart! Karen A. Ellison is the founder and president of the ministry. She had an abortion in1981, in Pittsburgh PA. You can read her account of it all in the book, ‘Healing the Hurt that Won’t Heal.”

After going through her own abortion wounded heart, the Lord prompted her to establish this ministry. It has been a life saver for many women and men who could not get back to a functional normal, after the abortion of their child(ren).

Here is a simplified overview of the retreat. It is soooo much more than this brief summary! First of all, everything is bathed in prayer. This is a topic the enemy would love to stay involved in, keeping his victim bound with shame and guilt. Therefore, prayer needs to be foundational throughout the process from finding these abortion wounded people, to the very last special and significant moment with them.

They were treated to a beautiful setting in quiet rural Honesdale. Everything comes at no cost to them! They arrive maybe frightened, maybe confused and suspicious. Always wondering, why would anyone do this for me? (Read the scripture below for the answer). As they meet the team, they begin letting the walls come down. They are encouraged to tell their own story to the group. It may be the very first time they ever told another living soul! Imagine that. Yet, this is a safe place and many of the team members share their own stories of their experiences with abortion. More walls come down.

On Saturday, there is very deep work going on as the women are taught on a topic, then they are invited to make their own declarations about the various topics, releasing them one by one to God’s control.

Off in a side room, prayer intercessors are doing their part. I am one of them. If there was a specific need or problem with a woman, a text came to us to pray for a particular need.

By the time dinner rolled around on Saturday, the women had a very different demeanor and outlook! No longer bound by the mistakes of their past, they are forgiven and free! All because God loves them, and we showed them that truth in tangible ways!

Sunday dawned blue skies and sunshine. A perfect day to memorialize all the children lost to abortion in this group of women. The team presented scriptures to sooth, tangible items to remind, and just a beautiful Celebration of the memories of these precious children, as well as a reminder that their mom’s will see them again-in Heaven.

The service ended with one of the women being baptized in the nearby pond! An unplanned and unexpected event that the Lord had prepared to put the ‘cherry’ on the top of this day!

I am so honored to have had a part in the transformed lives that Jesus and Deeper Still orchestrated the environment where it could be done. And, by the way, most of the team members are women who have completed their own healing weekend at a previous Deeper Still Retreat! So thankful for their healing that they ‘pay it forward’. One woman-over 12 years!

If you were thinking of someone who needs this, or maybe it’s you, here is the contact information about Deeper Still. Don’t hesitate!!! The next retreat is in the spring, a perfect time for new growth!






If you are interested in making a donation to the ministry for the spring retreat, you can us the same address. It is a non-profit.

II Corinthians 1:4 TPT

“He always comes along side us to comfort us in every suffering that we can come alongside those who are in any painful trial. We can bring them the same comfort that God has poured out on us.

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