Lot’s O Boxes!

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II Corinthians 9:6-8

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

In October every year, the generous people in our church start Christmas shopping! Not for their own families and friends, but for a child or children they have never met in countries far away! They are shopping for ‘Operation Christmas Child’!

This is a ministry of Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham. This ministry asks that you fill a shoe box size box with small toys, crayons, socks and toothbrushes for about $25.00 then drop it at a drop-off point. It will be transported to a nearby location in November. From there, it will go to South Carolina where it will be inspected, then age and language appropriate gospel books will be added. Then it makes very specific trips to various countries, and even some locations in the USA!

Please check out the web site for Samaritan’s Purse/ Operation Christmas Child. www.samaritanspurse.org/occ

If you have not built a box, it’s not too late!! You have two options:

  1. Go to: www.samaritanspurse.org/occ and click ‘build a box online’. You can pay for it with pay-pal, or a credit card, and you will even get to choose some items to put into the box! Their team will fill a box and send it along with the rest of the boxes that came from all over the US.
  2. or, Send a check to me or Servant Church of the Abingtons at 204 South Abington Rd, Clarks Green, PA, 18411. PLEASE PUT A NOTE IN THE MEMO, ‘FOR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD’.
  3. We are collecting small toys, hygiene products like soap, toothbrushes, washcloths and small towels, crayons etc. A doll, a ball, a pair of socks, even underwear and t-shirts will fit in your box. If you live near the church, you can drop in and pick up a box, fill it, and return it to the church. BOXES WILL BE AVAILABLE STARTINE OCTOBER 22 ND. THEY MUST BE RETURNED TO THE CHURCH BEFORE NOVEMBER 12TH.

Remember, this is the season when God gave to us the very best gift…His Only Son! A few bucks and a little time are all I am asking. These boxes cost us next to nothing, but they bring hope to many children that have no Hope!

May God bless you all and remind you to be always thankful for what you have, AND what you can give!

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