Christmas is Coming!

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My husband is a ‘Christmas Announcer.’ About once a week he proceeds to tell me how many months or weeks it is before Christmas Eve. He just loves to shop, so he anxiously awaits the day I am willing to go Christmas shopping! I must say it used to aggravate me! I mean, do we really need to know how quickly time is running pell mell toward Christmas? It caused me great anxiety! Then I had an thought adjustment. Why would I get so stressed out? The feeling that I might not be prepared, or have the right gift for someone, or maybe even forget to get a gift for someone would give me ‘adjada.’ Well, I finally began early one year. Making lists, saving money, asking questions and watching the stores for the requests people made finally eased my anxieties. Now, when he gives the weekly or monthly update, I can relax and think about how much fun it will be when family and friends get together to Celebrate Christ’s birth!

So…it is less than one month till Christmas. It is NOW that a very special event happens that I do hope we will all participate in; ‘Operation Christmas Child.’ This is a giving program established by Franklin Graham through Samaritan’s Purse. It is a remarkable program that that takes a simple shoebox, filled with toys, hygiene products, the gospel in their language, prayers and love and sends them to places where children receive little or no Christmas gifts. Now, we can be part of the return blessing as we ‘fill a box’, or donate money for the postage costs. (AT THIS DATE IT IS TOO LATE TO PACK A BOX AND GET IT THERE ON TIME! YOU CAN GO TO THE WEB SITE AND FILL YOUR BOX RIGHT ON LINE!) Each gift we send is an opportunity to share the gospel with a child, and their families. It is also a teaching moment for your children as you allow them to go shopping for the gifts, wrap the box and drop it off with their contact information, if you provide it. You can send photos and write letters to the children as well. For many of the children it is the first time they are hearing the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They treasure their boxes and continue to use them throughout the year for their very few belongings!

Right now ‘Operation Christmas Child’ reaches over 100 countries with the gospel, and some Christmas joy for these precious children. The week of November 16-23 shoeboxes will be collected at many drop off points across the area. Next, they are taken to a distribution center where they will be prepared to go to Virginia for their last stop in the US before they make their way to the countries needing them most. Many hands make this work, with many prayers and much money. Yet, when we think this may be going to a child who has never received a Christmas gift before, it is totally worth the time and treasure!

You can get get more information and even have them pack your box, for just $25.00! Check out Operation Christmas Child at;, or call (800)-528-1980.

I have often encouraged my grandchildren to save some money, then I add to it, and we go shopping to filll a shoebox from each of them It’s a great learning project.

(INFORMATION FOR NEXT YEAR) Here is the nuts and bolts of it. You get a shoe sized box, or purchase a plastic box and receive a tag with a child’s gender and age. You will receive a list of acceptable and unacceptable items to send. You can imagine that food items and liquids will not travel well, and weapons of any kind are inappropriate. Small toys, dolls, trucks, socks, hair ties and barrettes, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and wash cloth are all acceptable. When your box is filled, write out a check for the postage and take it to the drop off point. It’s that simple!

I hope you will try this out. After all, Christmas is the season when we received the greatest gift of all! John 3:16 16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Let’s share that indescribable gift with someone who needs to know the love of Jesus!


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