Get Out the Menorah and CELEBRATE!

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cookies for hanukkah
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John 10:22-23

 Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch.

This year December 7 begins the ‘Festival of Lights’ celebration among the Jews. This is primarily a family celebration that centers around the lighting of the 9-candle menorah, each night of the eight nights of the celebration, a candle is lit. Finally, the center candle, the shammash, (the servant candle) is lit on the 9th day, and all the candles are lit.

This celebration is also called the ‘Feast of Dedication. When King Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar and pouring the blood on the Scripture Scrolls, the Maccabees gained the victory over the Greeks and rededicated the Temple. The Maccabees deliverance was considered a miracle of God’s deliverance!

History tells us of a miraculous provision of oil for the eternal light in the Temple. After cleansing the temple, the supply of oil to relight the flame, (the symbol of God’s presence) was only enough for one day. But God performed a miracle and the flame burned for eight days, the time necessary to purify new oil.

The traditional foods include potato latkes and donuts as both are fried in oil, a reminder that the oil in the lamps did not run out.

What does it mean to us? Well, it is recorded in the book of John that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah. It is recorded in history books as happening in ‘the silent years’ between Malachi and Matthew. It is a reminder to the faithful that those who remain courageously faithful during times of persecution, will see their deliverance! This is an especially significant celebration this year as the Jews, once again, are facing unbearable circumstances at the hands of Hamas.

We as believers are commanded to stand with the Jews at all times. Praying for peace in Jerusalem. In this particular instance with Hamas, they have already stated that once they conquer Israel (they won’t), they will head for the USA! So, do not think we will go unscathed!

The book of Revelation speaks specifically to the persecution believers will face before the return of Christ. Many believe we are in that time now! Still, the Bible is a reminder that God is always faithful and delivers His people from dictators, AND from the oppression of sin and death!

So, remember what God did to preserve the oil in the Temple and remember, He will also preserve you if you are faithful to Him. By the way, enjoy a latke (potato pancake) or a donut-or both, but remember that when persecution comes, OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL TO DELIVER US!


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