My Christmas Wish List!

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Hebrews 10:25(NIV)

25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

This year our holiday season is going to be a little bit different than we are used to! Many of us are not comfortable being around crowds, so we are not going to parties or gatherings. Many pageants and Christmas performances have been cancelled or have gone virtual. So many interactions with people have come to a halt! Even some churches are back on a ‘virtual’ schedule!

If we would sit and think for a minute I believe we would realize that we need each other! We miss the interaction with other people during the course of each day. My husband and I had the opportunity to bless three widows in our area with a visit, a prayer and a dinner. Our church provided the dinners, we just had to deliver them, with several other people delivering to many others.

Well, that was an adventure. The addresses on the list were very clear, and we have a gps, but that did not prepare us for the actual site. The first woman’s address said ‘R.’ We tried to get to the rear of the home but the steps were a little wobbly! We made it, with my husbands help. Then there was a stairway up to a deck on the rear home. It was gated! I used to do surveys door to door. A gate meant ‘keep out.’ My husband came to the rescue again. He opened the gate, went up the steps and knocked on the door! We met, for the first time, a lovely woman. Chatted, then prayed, and gave her dinner for Thanksgiving.

The next woman we could not find! Would you believe as we were looking intently, she called us on the phone? God is so good, He knew we needed help! So, we found her, chatted a bit, prayed with her and gave her a dinner.

Our last woman was so easy compared to the first two. GPS took us right there! A beautiful new apartment complex for seniors. We actually went into her home as she wanted us to see it. We chatted, prayed, and gave her a dinner. We left, and as we got into our car she came running (slowly) out to our car. She wanted to give us a gift, a banana bread! That was so sweet (pun intended) of her.

I was so thankful for this small adventure. Each of those woman represented a former couple to me. I knew two of the husbands, Each was eager to receive the chat, prayer and dinner. Once again I was reminded that we are all connected and we all need connections.

“Lord, please show us where we can be the ‘connection’ someone needs right now so they can make it through another isolated day.” Amen!

Though I did not expect to receive anything from the ladies, after all we were ministering to them, it was a blessing to us to have received a gift showing appreciation. Our official Thanksgiving Day is gone, let’s not forget that EVERY day we have something to be thankful for. Let’s express that always!

I’m now getting ready for Christmas. I am making my Christmas wish list; I just want to be remembered! I want a chat, a prayer, and dinner is optional! How about you? let me know!

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