The Forever Loser!

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The phrase “IT IS FINISHED.” from John 19:30 carries profound significance within the Christian faith. Representing the completion of Jesus’s earthly mission, these words mark the culmination of his sacrificial journey, symbolizing the fulfillment of his purpose to atone for humanity’s sins. This declaration underscores a pivotal moment in Christian theology, emphasizing the belief in redemption and the establishment of a new covenant between humanity and the divine. Thus, this simple yet weighty statement encapsulates a transformative moment in religious history, providing believers with a touchstone for reflection on sacrifice, salvation, and spiritual renewal.

I am amazed that it is May already, though I must say I am glad for it! It has been a difficult year-not only for me, but for many of my friends and acquaintances! I have gone to, 12 memorials for friends and I planned one for my youngest cousin, with another cousin. I myself suffered an eye issue that required steroids. As a result, my immune system was depleted, and I had a rhinovirus 3 separate times! Other annoying things happened along the way making the entire thought of regular life-a dull monotonous bore!

But, a couple weeks ago I looked out in my front yard, and I saw a delicate purple crocus pushing boldly up through the cold earth. Then I heard the loud squawking sound of newly hatched birds. I began to feel the warm caress of the sun on some days. I spent time chatting and shopping with my husband one day and having lunch with friends another day. I continued looking and I continued finding…. God at work! My demeanor changed.

I had to pick my head up and begin looking up at God…the Forever Winner! I reminded myself that no matter how dark dismal and miserable it may get…God has the end of the story-and we win! We also know that the enemy of our spirit, satan, is also at work, but…he loses! In fact, recently I heard a new name for him, ‘forever loser’. It fits him, don’t you think?

So, when you run into a rough patch, and I’m pretty sure you will, look up to the Forever Winner, God and remind yourself that the ‘forever loser doesn’t stand a chance against Our God!

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