Yellow Flowers-A Gift of Motivation!

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Philippians 4:8

8Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things

It’s kind of a dreary, rainy day here in North East Pennsylvania. A day to put the covers back over your head and go back to sleep. A few weeks ago there was a beautiful forsythia bush in full bloom in my backyard (see photo above)! Now it’s empty branches as it’s the lilac’s turn to bloom. I remembered it and it was positively motivating! It’s just a bush, like so many others in my yard, but it speaks to me! Not literally of course, but in my spirit I feel something when I look at that bush! I thought it was just me because I really love color, but my grandson came over the other day. We were outside working on a project, and he spotted the bush! He yelled; ‘WOW!’ Then he proceeded to take pieces of the bush and try to plant the forsythia in other areas of the yard, that didn’t work. He then just took one of the branches and saved it to show his sister later when it would be too dark to see it.

I began to wonder about color. Yellow is one of three primary colors. They are the three colors that all other colors are made from. Red, Yellow and Blue. These are colors that catch our eye, even an infant is drawn to red, yellow and blue. So, just why does this have such an effect on us?

When the Lord admonished us in the verse above to ‘think on these things’, I believe He gave us yellow as a visual cue. It’s just impossible to think of anything negative when you are looking at the beauty of nature has displayed in yellow flowers! Hey, planting season is here, try it for yourself, plant some yellow flowers in your yard and see how it affects you! We all need a little yellow flower motivator in our lives!

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