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Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

I was born in 1954. I have a Birthday coming up in September, so I just had to buy myself this card when I saw it; ‘1954 Remember When.’ It is amazing to me the changes that have been made in these 69years. Let’s look at some of the more astonishing ones (in my humble opinion.)

In 1954;

In February, in Pittsburgh, PA the first group of children receive Salk’s Polio vaccine.

Vice President Nixon dedicates the Iwo Jima War Memorial at Arlington Cemetary.

The Supreme Court rules in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka to end segregation in public schools.

General Motors produces its 50 millionth car, a 1955 model Chevy Bel Air coupe.

Harvard doctors perform the first successful kidney transplant operation.

RCA introduces the 1st color TV set. Cost: $1,ooo.

Burger King Corporation was founded by James McLamore and David Edgerton.

The President was Dwight Eisenhower, Vice President, Richard Nixon.

Our life expectancy was 68.2 years.

The Pledge of Allegiance was modified; the line ‘one nation, indivisible’ becomes one nation under God, indivisible.’

Notable births;

January 29, Oprah Winfrey-entrepreneur

February 18, John Travolta-actor

March 1, Ron Howard-child actor

April 29, Jerry Seinfeld-entertainer

September 4, Donna Liples-blogger/writer (wink)

As we look at the statistics listed in this timeline from 1954 we can see many improvements in medicine, technology, business, health and even race issues. Looking at our nation today, while we have made some great strides in many areas, we have gone backward in others. Our founders knew that our nation would only be blessed if we kept God in our daily activity. The addition of “under God” showed there was still a remnant of people who wanted to be sure God was still acknowledged. Since we are over 240 years old as a nation, we were starting into territory that had rarely been enjoyed by any other nation. We are on borrowed time! As the unrest and Godless ways of this nation continue, we as believers have the responsibility to be the Noah, the Jonah, the Paul, of today. Tell, share, live it out and give to those who go to tell others. Our time is limited if we, as the good men and women of God, do nothing!

What can we do? First, live a life pleasing to God. Then people can follow you-as you follow Christ. Find an area that stirs your heart. Mine is GriefShare (www.griefshare.org), a Ministry for people going through the valley of grief, and DeeperStill Pocono Mountains’, (www.DeeperStill.org) a Ministry to help men and women recover from abortions, to name a couple. Find a way you can make your impact on your area.

If you would like more information on any of these ministries, contact me at; donna_liples@yahoo.com. Thank You!

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