
posted in: Gratitude | 0

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalitiesagainst powersagainst the rulers of the darkness of this worldagainst spiritual wickedness in high [places].

Ephesians 6:12

I was thinking about that old song from the movie, “The Way We Were”, with the same title; ‘Memories light the corners of our mind’. It’s kind of a funny statement, yet true. This is the day we set aside in this nation to remember our war dead. Even if that tragedy did not come to knock on your door, you know someone, or you can empathize with someone who has had this grief. The sad question I have is; are we remembering? Oh, we celebrate the day pretty well. The day off work, fireworks, family and friend picnics, parades, wonderful patriotic music and shows, but, is that the ‘memory that lights the corners of our mind?

In 1971 Memorial Day became an official Federal holiday and was observed on the last Monday in May. Previous to 1971 this day was set aside to ‘decorate’ the graves and honor those who lost their lives in wars all the years following the Civil War. Quite a somber occasion I think!

Now we are still in the midst of a ‘war’ of a different kind. A war with a moral compass focused on taking this United States to a Godless morality. Just like every other war, their are deaths, many of them. But, unlike other wars there will be no peace treaty, or armistice, or truce. This enemy cannot be negotiated to an end. So, what can we do?

On this Memorial Day, please remember all the men and women who laid down their lives so we could have the freedoms we enjoy. Then, out of respect for them, give some very serious thought about how we lost some of those freedoms over the last 50 years or so and pray that our nation will turn back to God!. I am hoping the loss is temporary, only time will tell. If some legislators would have their way, even more would be taken from us, as their thought is, ‘we know what is best for you’.

We need always to remember, our preamble says; ‘We the People’. That’s you and me. We the people pay their salaries. We the people have been surrendering to their superior knowledge, We the people VOTE them in…or out!

Please allow this Memorial Day to ‘light the corners of your mind’. Allow this Memorial Day to remind you American’s are not weak people who need to be told what to do. Many of the wars we fought included the knowledge that loss of lives was a very real possibility. Yet, they forged ahead for the sake of our freedom. Now is not the time to drop our courage and pick up their propaganda! Now is the time to investigate for ourselves. Stand up for ourselves. Win the battle for US all!

A wise statesman once said; “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself”. It’s true. If we live in fear, we will die to fear.

Let me know your thoughts, and


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