Our Christian-American Flag!

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“From a Star to Stripes was the life of Jesus Christ”

There IS glory in ‘Old Glory’, but it can never quite compare, to the Glory of the cross of Calvary”.

– from a song by the singing group, ‘The Couriers’

In my home it’s always PATRIOTIC season! I have always believed this is the best country on earth to be born in. We have problems, still, I believe in the USA, what she was founded on and still stands for!

My husband’s birthday is on Flag Day, June 14th (same as President Trump, btw). We also got married that day, so our wedding was red, white and blue. Several years later our second son was born five minutes after the 4th of July ended. In other words, the 5th of July. Of course, we convinced him that all the fireworks and celebrating was for his birthday. That did not convince him for long, but, he still enjoys his birthday being so close to the 4th. My Dad’s birthday is also on the 5th, he likes that too. I grew up celebrating that birthday so close to the 4th, with my Dad that it became as one big celebration!

My birthday is in September, and often falls on Labor Day (one year especially was a ‘labor day’). And last, but not least, our oldest son has his birthday on the 30th of September. It is not an American patriotic day, but often falls on the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah.

The flag is one of the first decorations that comes out in our home starting before Memorial Day . But before we talk about the flag, I want to talk about a date in our American history that has faded into obscurity…April 29, 1607. On this day, Robert Hunt, the Anglican Chaplain of England from the expedition which founded Jamestown, Virginia on April 29, 1607. That land became part of the United States of America. Hunt dedicated the new land to Jesus Christ and to preaching the Gospel in the new land, and throughout the world. This is significant because he was obviously a missionary to the ‘new world’. He declared this new land for Jesus Christ, and even erected a primitive wooden cross in the sand. The people there knelt at the cross and dedicated this land for God! A replica of the cross still stands there today.

There you have it! Dedicated to God from the very first, and let no one tell you otherwise!

Now, on to the flag. On some patriotic day years ago, after I had visited the Betsy Ross home in Philadelphia, I was looking at ‘the stars and stripes’. I declared to myself, that this flag that represents our nation, has no separation from Christianity!

Let me explain;

Each element of our flag represents something in our faith.

The stars: God made the stars Genesis 1:16

Wise men followed the star to the baby Jesus Matthew 2:2

Christ is’ the bright and the morning star Revelation 22:16

The stripes: By His stripes we are healed Isaiah 53:5 and I Peter 2:4

The red color: Sin is scarlet-turned to white by Jesus Isaiah 1:18

A scarlet robe was placed on Jesus to signify royalty at His crucifixion Matthew 27:28

The white color; Jesus will have ‘hair of white’ Revelation 1:14

Jesus will be riding a white horse representing purity Revelation 6:2

There will be a ‘Great White Throne Judgement’ Revelation 20:11

The blue color; Queen Esther wore royal apparel of blue and white Esther 8:15

  • There are 50 stars on the flag (50 states) and 50 days between Resurrection and Pentecost
  • There are 13 stripes (original colonies) representing the 12 disciples with Jesus
  • There are 6 white stripes representing the amount of days it took God to create the world
  • There 7 red stripes and many references to ‘7’ in the Bible including: 7 days of creation, with the rest day, 7 seals in Revelation, 7 prophetical weeks in Daniel, 7 times 70 is the amount of times Jesus used to illustrate how many times we should forgive someone.

I trust that after reading how our great American flag brings a swell of patriotism to our hearts when we see it wave, it will also bring a grateful hope in our hearts as we remember those symbols also mean we are free from our sin, in Jesus.

So, do you see how there can be no separation of church and state in our nation? We are connected at the core!

Here’s a question for you, can you tell me any other areas where the Bible has influenced our nation? There are many more!

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