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” We ought to obey God rather than man.” Acts 5:29 PRAYER PROMPT FOR WEDNESDAY; GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS By March 23, 1775, the American colonies had been forced to endure taxation without representation, searches and seizures without probable cause, the confiscation … Continued
Hi friends, It’s ‘Friday Friend Day’ again! This week I have the privilege of having a local Pastor, and friend as our guest blogger. Pastor Aaron Schappell is the lead Pastor at ‘Cross Road Assembly of God Church’ in Elmhurst. … Continued
In this, the last installment of Dr. Daniel Shayesteh’s expose about Islam, he does give us some pretty explicit material, though he does it in a gentle way. Please understand that true, Muslim’s that live by the Quran…follow these words, … Continued
Hi Friends, We are nearing the end of Dr. Daniel’s expose on Islam. We are on the 22nd day of the 30 days of Ramadan. Please continue to pray for Muslim people, especially students. Since they are far from home, … Continued
We are on the 6st installment of 8 in Dr. Daniel Shayesteh’s expose on the Islamic religion. It is day #16 in the month of Ramadan. Please pray for members of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is considered on of the … Continued
Hi Everyone, This article gives us great information about the false god, Allah. It is the 15th of Ramadan, Please pray that the ‘scales will be removed from their eyes’ and the true and loving God will be revealed to … Continued