Exodus From Darkness Part 8

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Grand Mosque of Moscow

In this, the last installment of Dr. Daniel Shayesteh’s expose about Islam, he does give us some pretty explicit material, though he does it in a gentle way. Please understand that true, Muslim’s that live by the Quran…follow these words, just as true Christians follow the Word, the Bible.

This is the 16th day of Ramadan. The time set aside for fasting will continue until May 24th. Please continue to pray for revelation for the Muslim people. They are regognizing the true God as they are confronted by Christians sharing the Truth. Dr. Daniel will be speaking at Servant Church of the Abingtons in September. All will be welcome to come hear his testimony and teaching.

Why wasn’t Allah worried about the hijab and makeup of the wives of Muhammad, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and the wives of their companions but allowed them to practice prevalent dress code for the first eighteen years of Islam without calling it sin or sign of ignorance? How could it be that all of a sudden Allah wakes up, not only counts it illegal but also punishable by death sentence according to the verses 60 and 61 of Sura 33 if anyone protested the decision? Why does Allah show very capricious here, as if he does not trust his previous decisions? Because, the verses that Allah inspired Muhammad on women in the first five years of Islam’s political rule in Medina made men very erotic that their control was no longer possible. Let me give you some examples:

  1. Sura 2 in verse 223 says: Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will. Verse 230 of this sura says: So if a husband divorces his wife, he cannot after that, re-marry her until after she has married another husband and he has divorced her.

You can see here that Allah makes a wife as her husband’s personal property and empowers the husband to behave as an owner to his wife and relate to her as a master to slave. Allah also, like a sadist, commands a husband to divorce his wife whenever he wishes. That wife can no longer return to him and join her children unless she becomes the temporary wife (for a day, a week or more) of another man so that she can use it as a certificate for returning to her first husband and her children.

  • Sura24 in verse 31 gives permission to a lady to reveal those parts of their body that are preserved for her husband and also her beauty and adornments to her husband to her husband’s father, husband’s sons, brothers’ or brothers’ sons, sisters’ sons, male slaves who are old and young boys who have no sexual desires.

This is a very long verse and more shocking than Allah’s other verses about women. Most contemporary translations have ignored the translation of a plural Arabic word “forujohonnah” in this verse, which means two private parts below waist. Commentators have also tried hard to present it as less immoral as they could, but you will be able to understand Allah’s message here if you find a more genuine translation (like Dr. Mohsin) or if you speak a majority Muslim country language. This Arabic word is commonly known by many Muslims.

It is as if the part of a woman’s body that tempts a stranger man does not tempt men from her own extended family! Allah knew this, but was trying establish this verse a way for Muhammad to have access to his own daughter-in-law, Zainab, the wife of his adopted son, Zayd. As a result, Muhammad saw Zainab’s beauty and fell in love with her. Allah rushes immediately to Muhammad’s help, reveals Muhammad’s mysterious love for Zainab in Sura 33 verse 37. Pour Zayd had not choice but to divorce Zainab in order to be married to Muhammad.

  • Sura 66 verses 1 to 5 is about Muhammad disregarding his family pledge. Hafsah after returning from her father’s house found her husband Muhammad in her bed with one of his maidens, contrary to his previously made promise to his wives. She was upset and shared it with Aisha another wife of Muhammad. Allah, instead of rebuking Muhammad, threatens Hafsah for revealing Muhammad’s disloyalty, saying that Allah will find a better wife than her for Muhammad if he divorces her. Allah also says that Muhammad has right to disregard the pledge, he and all his angels are behind Muhammad.

You can see that Allah has completely played his part as a lustful god, leaving the door wide open for the erotic breakdown to such an extent that Mohammed and the men around him were unmanageable sexually. Men were even becoming threats to Muhammad’s own wives and did not leave his house, until Sura 33 verse 52 was revealed, asking men not go to Muhammad’s houses until they were invited. But the disruption had increased wildly with and no plan was working until Mohammed brought some verses in Sura 33 to either lock them in house or in the hijab if they went out. Alas, this one never worked too. Allah is a corrupt god. Any Islamic country that is closer to Allah has more moral corruption than any other country.

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