Give Me Liberty or…

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We ought to obey God rather than man.”

Acts 5:29


By March 23, 1775, the American colonies had been forced to endure taxation without representation, searches and seizures without probable cause, the confiscation of firearms, and on and on. This had been going on for over 10 years. The Crown, the tyranny of Great Britain was unreasonable, and the Americans had had enough. Though they tried to remain loyal and reconcile their differences, they finally were compelled to break away in revolt. This was the forerunner for the the American Revolution.

The Founders of the Declaration of Independence had a detailed list of the legal offenses they had against England. They saw these as much more than a list of isolated wrongs, but they saw it as a predetermined attempt to take away their religious liberties and reestablish the Church of England. We can understand Patrick Henry’s words as he faced a return to the enslaving religion, after experiencing the liberty of the Christian faith, in whatever style he chose.

We now seem to be facing tyranny again. While our Constitution still says we have ‘freedom of religion’. It still says we have a ‘right to bear arms’. It still says ‘all men are created equal’. You may not recognize those attributes in our country today!

What is our responsibility? What did our founders do? It appears that they were able to only take it for so long. After trying all the ways they had available to them back then, with no success, the brilliant document ‘The Declaration of Independence’ was birthed. This was more than a mere written dream, it was a prayed over, fasted for literary piece of genius, guided by the Holy Spirit of God!

As the Revolutionary Was becoming evident, one of the Founder’s, Thomas Paine stated; “these are the times that try men’s souls.” We appear to be in the same condition. While we are not under the proverbial thumb of another country, we are under the attitude of many that we no longer need God. This could be a fatal error for this ‘One Nation Under God’. I for one, though I am not the only one, am calling on everyone who reads this to pray for this ‘experiment’ of democracy. Most nations cannot talk about the longevity that the USA has enjoyed. I want to see this beautiful experiment continue for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. It has been said, we are only as strong as our weakest link. I don’t want to be the ‘weak link’ that does not pray and fast for our nation.

Are you with me? Please pray at least every Wednesday for a return to God in our nation!

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