Run To The Rock

posted in: Promises of God | 2

Psalm 61:1-3

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you; I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.

Day after day it seems that this coronavirus seems to get closer and closer! Here in Northeast Pennsylvania, we seem to be getting hit harder than ever. Just today our newspaper announced our cases are still spiking, and the Governor is tightening restrictions-again! Right now, I wish I was at ‘the ends of the earth,’ wherever that might be! Maybe the virus has not hit there, but it’s only a matter of time. 

This entire process can be very scary! My elderly Mom lives in a senior citizen building. She is on a lockdown, but she is (was… now that they are recommending the seniors stay in their apartments) allowed to go visit friends in the building. I cannot go to visit her, but I can take supplies she may need, or meals to the main (locked) door. She will then come to get them. So while she is able to come out of her building to go places, she is now staying in because this new confirmed case is so close.

Did we ever imagine that anything could cause such mass fear?

Just think back to Biblical times. Without the scientific advancements our Age has made, many, if not most of the population, would be sick and probably die. What could they do? Where could they turn? Sanitary conditions were poor, at best. No running water, no hand sanitizer, NO TOILET PAPER… wait, no toilet! Where could they have gone for some answers? Some comfort? According to today’s scripture, only to “the Rock that was higher!” That rock is God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. They needed Him then, we need Him now… and He is here! 

He is the only one we can run to when we need answers. And He always has them. We run to Him for our healing. He heals! We need peace. He IS peace!  He IS our answer to every question!

Back in Bible days a “strong tower” with a lookout overlooked the city limits. If someone approached, they were spotted and stopped. But with the type of enemy we are facing, even a tower and look-out would not have stopped the invasion. The enemy found a way to disguise himself [in germ warfare]. But regardless, we have the answer… run to the ‘tower.’ When we hide ourselves in THE tower, no weapon formed against us will be productive. The tower of God is our shield. We can run to Him.

So, ask yourself, “What rock are you running too?” The government rock can only see what’s right in front of them. The rock that is God, sees all!

2 Responses

  1. Bim Oyede

    Thank you Pastor Donna for such an encouraging word at this time. It really blessed my heart during my devotion this morning. Ps 61:1-3 brought back to memory a song I learnt years ago and I’ve sang it this morning. We indeed run to the EVERLASTING ROCK! 😃

    • Donna

      TY Bim! Yes, on Christ the ONLY solid ROCK we stand, no shifting, turning or vacillating…it’s solid!

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