Restore the Foundation

posted in: Faith | 2

Isaiah 28:16 ESV

Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’

I have a friend, Diane, in Kansas. She works at the International House of Prayer. Yes, she is employed there. In their prayer facility prayer goes up to Heaven 24/7 for the needs of our nation. Yet, not just ours, but the entire world. I have always believed that she, and others, ‘stand in the gap’ for the rest of us who may not have that kind of calling to prayer for 8 hours at a time. I am telling you about Diane because before the election the Lord laid it on her heart to travel to many of the state capitols and Washington D.C. to pray as close to the front doors as they could without arousing suspicion. She and her friend carried ‘appeal to Heaven’ flags and attached them to the fencing around the capitols, when they were able to legally do so.

Other Christian groups received the same ‘nudge’ from the Holy Spirit and did the same thing. Some went to all 50 state capitols, some went to a few, but all prayed in earnest that God would continue to uphold this nation in His mighty hands. I believe God is answering those prayers.

That ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag has been part of our American history since George Washington and the Revolutionary War. Why am I telling you all this now? Because we have been at this place before. A place of confusion, a place of concern for the very freedoms our founding fathers fought and died for. Yet, there should be no confusion about the mission of this great American experiment. Nor, concern about the success of our mission. God is for us, no weapon formed against us will prosper. The USA was established with an ‘appeal to Heaven’! The appeal was that our nation would be a beacon on a hill, shining the way to Jesus. We would be the trumpet of Jesus, calling all to come to know Him. We have a long parade of people entering our country and leaving theirs, to come here and practice their faith freely, without restrictions.

Our foundation was built on the concept that; “all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” That has not changed! We are still the nation that others run to, dictators and communists hate, people risk life and their children to get a breath of our free air! This nation is despised by hell, just as Israel is. Because God has His eye on us both. Israel, of course, gave us the patriarchs, the law and the ancestry of Jesus our Savior. The US gave the world a hope that one day they could be free as well.

Yes, we may be facing some difficulties in our government over the next 4 years, but, our foundation is good, strong, and not easily moved. We know how to ‘appeal to Heaven’ and the God who has the power to change the course of this nation and return it to it’s roots. Our mission is not accomplished yet. There are many more people to win to Jesus. This nation is getting set to birth the Third Awakening!

Now is NOT the time to give up, or give in! Now is the time to dig deeper, stand straighter, pray harder. We are Americans after all!

2 Responses

  1. Diane Campbell

    Wow, what an honor to be included in your post! Thank you! God is good and He isn’t done with America!

    • Donna

      Dear Diane, I hope I remembered all the facts correctly! I just purged all my paperwork beginning of January! I did not know if I should use your last name either. hugs, d YES, America is still in God’s wheelhouse for miracles!

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