Scrambled With a Side of Confusion Please!

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Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

So, my Mom is staying with us while she recovers from covid-19. She is making progress each day, but since she is a little unstable on her feet, she is staying in the on our couch, rather than a guest bedroom in the lower level. We are trying very hard to keep things straightened up and off the floor so there is no fall risk. My husband is recovering from covid-19 related pneumonia and seems to be making good progress. He is just left with a nasty cough. We all have the need for a nap at some time in the day-and we take it. Medical professionals have told us to do so! We must listen to the pros!

Before we had any idea that covid-19 was on our bucket list, my husband and I ordered new carpeting for our bedroom. It was time! We went to a local rug store we have purchased from before and quickly agreed with each other on the color and style! Well, when that happens you order it! Weeks went by and we did not hear from the ‘carpet guy’. Until…covid-19 hit our home! Then, he wanted to come to lay the new carpet. My husband delayed him for a week-by then they would both be clear, and we were expecting snow the day he planned to come anyway. Okay, next week is fine.

The day arrives, and hubby moves the triple dresser into the closet, cant get to clothes, but it’s just for that day-right? The night stands into the kitchen area, the mattress and box spring block our back door. and the mirrors from the dresser are in the dining room. No problem. The carpet guy is coming in the early evening and it will be done in 2 hours. The rocker and my plants are in the bathroom. But, everything will be put back in place so we can sleep in our cozy room tonight! Right? Nay Nay

Well, the carpet guy did come. He did lay down the padding and do the prep work, but when this beautiful plush creamy colored carpet was rolled out-it had a big slash down the middle of it! Both men were so annoyed, angry and upset that I was glad not to be there.

Don’t know if you know this, but, if you have been around covid-19 patients, as I was, when their quarantine ends, yours is beginning! Up till the time they have spent 14 days in quarantine, they can still be shedding the virus, and you could potentially get it!

So, while they worked upstairs, my Mom was in the living room, and I stayed in the lower level…my factory!

A three ring circus is what it was becoming.

The carpet guy apologized profusely and promised to make good on it. He would call the mill and have them rush the order so we should receive the new carpet in 2 days. So the house looks like we are in the middle of moving in-or out. We located enough of our items of clothing and necessities that we set up our bedroom in the lower level. It’s like a vacation! Mom, well, she is virtually unchanged in the living room on the couch. Oh, she does have a flashlight so she can see to walk through any areas that may have furniture that was not there before!

The next day the carpet guy calls. The entire roll of carpet at the mill was inspected and it is slashed down the middle! I wonder where quality control was during that run! So, we could wait 2 more weeks in a state of confusion, or choose a carpet 1 shade darker-sight unseen. We opted for the surprise! We don’t really know what this carpet will look like but we are trusting…the carpet guy…and the God who inspired the verse written above. He has our future in His hands…even when deciding on a carpet!

Hope you got a chuckle for today!

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