Birds, Bees, Butterflies and A Funeral!

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busy bee


Philippians 4:4-8 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Have you heard the statement; “tell God your plans and watch Him laugh?” I have been feeling that a lot lately! I believe I told you that my Mom has been in and out of the hospital a few times recently. When she had her last hospital visit she stayed at a rehab for 9 days for therapy to receive her strength back. She did! She was doing so well! My brother was shocked at how well she was walking, I felt her cognitive skills had improved as well. We both felt like our Mom was returning. Then it all fell apart!

She usually goes to church on Sunday then we pick her up and bring her to the house for dinner and visit with the family. She did not want to go to church. She was struggling again with her breathing! I made a mental note to call the Dr. Monday to have her hemoglobin checked.

She came to our house Sunday for dinner and I saw the labored breathing, slow painful walking had returned. I began to wonder if I should even wait till Monday, but she just had her blood checked, it was fine-so I waited. Monday arrived and I called the Dr. for the hemoglobin test. They scheduled it for that afternoon. In the meantime I was planning to go to a friends funeral the next day. This was a friend who had many brushes with death and always came back to life. This time, he did not and I wanted to be there to support his forty-something wife!

When the hemoglobin count came back low, again, I knew she was headed to the hospital. The Dr. did a direct admit for her. This way the red tape is done and you just go into a room and the transfusion could begin. Sounded great, but nay-nay! We waited for the call all evening! Finally I called the Dr. on call at her Drs’ office. He suggested someone stay with her and if anything worsens, get the ambulance. She did okay through the night, my niece stayed with her and watched her like a hawk. I had the funeral to go to. Morning, still no call and no bed available. The funeral left me stressed, maybe too close to becoming my reality. Finally mid-afternoon my niece said she began experiencing other symptoms. A call to the Dr. confirmed that we needed to call an ambulance.

She was taken care of much more quickly than anyone anticipated. I believe it was God’s grace. She quickly received the transfusion and other meds, then was transferred to a room. The staff in both the ER and on the floor were both professional and caring, informing me of each decision they made. We also believe the delay of the day was God’s way of protecting her from some negative situation that we will never know!

I came home from the funeral and went to visit my mom. She was doing well, hooked up to IV’s in both arms, getting what she needed when she called. At home I went out on my deck to enjoy the flowers, and the tranquility of the outdoor space. My butterfly bush (shown in the photo) is really crazy with branches and blooms this year. I stood mesmerized as several different kinds of bees had a treat from the nectar. The monarch’s were having a family reunion I am convinced, there were so many! And all at once, here comes our neighborhood hummingbird flitting from one bloom to the next. His (or her) wings flapped so quickly they were just a blur in my sight. I caught myself smiling! Amid all the sad and negative things that went on in my day, these tiny creatures still did what they were designed to do.

I thought I had better do the same. I praised God, just for who He is. The circumstances we face each day do not change these facts. He is God and we were created to praise Him, always!

I will have more sickness and even more funerals. Still, those birds, butterflies and bees reminded me that we still need to go about our Father’s business in spite of circumstances around us! Praise Him, rejoice in Him, and share Him with others.

Have a day full of praise!

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