
posted in: Gratitude | 0

Psalm 104:33 I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

I hope you went to see the movie; “Sing!”  That was just a fun, uplifting forget your cares kind of movie.  A great one to get right now on Netflix..    Throughout the movie a variety of animal species (talking by the way) just wanted to have the opportunity to sing.  A down and out koala bear music producer helped make it happen, while he attempted to bring an old theater back to it’s former glory.

Ever notice that singing will just flow form you, even if you are not a singer in any formal kind of way, when you are joyful?   In Exodus 1:14 Miriam and all the women sing a spontaneous song of victory after being saved and delivered out of the hands of the Egyptians.  They were exuberant, and free!  They were focused on God’s power!  They had seen God in action and they wanted to shout it from the roof tops, or the canopy tops, as it were. 

Sometimes we get our attitude stuck in ‘Eeyore’ mode.  That’s the donkey from Winnie the Pooh who was always sad, and felt that nothing went right for him.   We know that kind of person too.   A woman I know was waiting in an oncologist’s office for the result of a cancer update.  An attendant in the next cubicle began to sing a worship song.  Even though my friend was waiting for some news about the progress of her cancer, when she heard the singing, her heart melted, and her spirit lifted.

What I’m going to say is so much easier for me to say,  than for anyone to do, yet we must.  Praise the Lord at ALL times.  You see, He is the God on the mountain top, giving the manna, parting the sea, healing the blind, lame and sick.  He is also the God of the valley in the shadow of death, sickness, job loss, and everything else that the world throws our way.  In the movie the koala bear was trying to revive an old theater by having a talent show with singers.  Though these singers were not at all in the public eye, they could sing when the opportunity surfaced.  Throughout the movie everything that could go wrong for the producer-did go wrong!  Still, they sang!  They sang while caring for their babies, they sang while having a break-up in a relationship, they sang when the theater had no money for the promised prize, they even sang when one of their dad’s ended up in prison. 

When Jesus puts His song in your heart, even on the worst day, deep down, you know He has your back, it will be ok, eventually.  For that knowledge and peace of mind you can always…SING!

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