All in A Day’s Work

posted in: Promises of God | 0

Psalm 102:25 In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.

Have you ever thought about this? How did God actually make the Universe? Oh, I know the narrative in Genesis but that does not satisfy my curiosity. What are the mechanics of it? Did He have a blue-print? Was it just in His mind’s eye? Since He existed before the rest of the physical world, how did He begin organizing a shapeless and barren earth into an inhabitable place for His crowning achievement; mankind?

We recently purchased a ‘junior architect’ kit for our grandsons. My husband taught architecture in junior high and we thought they might be interested. I know I am. There are such interesting rulers and triangles and other mechanical tools I have no experience using, but I would like to learn.

That is what I mean with God. Did He sit down at a drafting board and draw out all of the little details of the earth? Did he measure how big to make a whale so there would be enough room in the ocean for many whales? Did He use a protractor or French curve to be sure the valley and mountain would be correct. Did He have a color palate when He decided the colors of the butterflies, flowers and birds?

Of course all my ponderings are just that, ponderings. Until all is revealed to us in Heaven we will just be speculating these huge concepts. But…God, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, did it! Can you just imagine the Trinity establishing how the ocean tides would coincide with the sun and moon. Or, how everything that was ever made has been made, and will never be destroyed. How long did it take us mere humans to figure out these intricacies of the earth that we think we know.

He did it! It was all in a day’s work for Him. Six days of creating, then a rest. Everything we are familiar with in this world was made in those six days. Nothing has been created that is new since then. He did it all, we cannot. We have everything we need.

Just ponderings….our God is without a rival, no one comes close. Give Him praise!

Next time you go to work think about what God did in one day, you might want to work a little harder!

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