Bloom Where God Re-pots You

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Matthew 15:13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.

When the season begins to cool down getting ready to go into autumn, I begin to think about my outdoor plants!  I have been enjoying them all spring and summer as they go from that little plastic pod I bring home from the nursery, plant in containers on my deck, go visit every day, and water like crazy.  Finally, now they are large, lush and beautifully arrayed in colors.  Now, we go back down  hill.  But…this year I did some research on bringing plants indoors and over wintering!  Great information about the process can be found on line.

As with everything there is a process.  Now, I am not going to tire you with that process here, so don’t click off the blog, please.  I just want to make the point that, yes, those beautiful plants you nurtured all summer can be brought indoors.  They do require different care tips, and will respond differently for next year, but, with care they will return!

Sometimes that is the case with us.  We live in a place for a while, develop roots, get comfortable in ministries and a church, and establish friendships.  Then life throws you a curve ball.  A spouse passes away, a job is relocated, someone gets sick and you need to be the care-giver.  Your comfortable and predictable world goes haywire!  You are being re-potted.

Remember I told you that some plants can be successfully brought indoors?  Some of us can successfully be relocated as well.  It kind of takes a lot of the same steps.

Before moving the plant (or yourself) trim it down.  The plant needs to be trimmed back to about one half of its lush self.  In our case, look around at what we really need.  If you are like me, much of what we have in our homes can be given away, sold or tossed so we can move without as much stuff to pack and unpack.  This includes checking the plant for disease or insects.  Well, if you are thinking you don’t have those, think again!  What if you examined yourself for any hidden bad habits?  This is an opportunity to begin again without any of those old pests.  Maybe your spiritual walk as had some ‘disease.’  Leave any doubts or behind as you move forward to your new space.

I look around again at my little colorful garden.  I am not looking forward to the work I will have to do to get these plants comfy in their new, indoor home.  Yet for me the knowledge that when the howling blast of winter comes my beauties will be safe and warm inside, makes the work a joy, not a chore.  The feeling of accomplishment as I check for disease, look for insects, trim them back and finally bring them into a warm well-lit and loving environment is worth the effort.    A safe place, even a temporary one as they look forward to next spring and going outdoors to their ‘real’ home, we look forward to our Heavenly home. 

Re-potting…it certainly has its benefits.  You might want to try these tips even if you are not moving.  They are good for the soul, and you will flourish.

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