A Dark Night and A Surprise Light!

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John 1:5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

It was a beautiful spring evening when I was coming home from a meeting. I was joyful as it had been a very productive meeting with women I love, and I had all of the ‘warm and fuzzy’ feelings running in my head when I got in the car to go home. Now, usually I choose to go home on the lighted expressway when it gets to be evening. The country roads I would have to travel are dark and winding, and deer run across the road when you least expect it. Funny thing, it’s right where the sign says ‘ deer crossing!’ Do they read now? I think it’s a funny. I was not thinking of any of that when I put on my blinker committing both me and the car to the back rural, dark roads. As soon as I began, I regretted it.

The very familiar barns and homes became a blur of inky night. The road signs I remembered on the way up to the meeting, were just dark shadowy geometric shapes in the distance, until I got closer. I put on my high beams to distinguish where the berm of the road actually was. Soon, I thought, I would be coming up to that especially dark wooded area and even the high beams only gave me a brief light right in front of me. I prayed. Not a ‘bow your head and close your eyes’ prayer, of course. I shot up a ‘rocket prayer’ ; “Lord, I need your help seeing the road and any obstacles on it. And I need it now!” I drove up a slight hill that curved into the dark area. When I looked ahead, the most beautiful pink moon was grinning at me from above. That pink light from the moon lit up the entire area I needed to be able to see. Now I was grinning and shrieking with glee; “Thank You Lord! You heard and answered my prayer for light. And, you gave me the light in a beautiful (feminine, I might add) pink moon!” It was magnificent and got me safely through the dark area!

Not every dark area in our lives requires a pink moon to light our way on a dark road. Some of the dark areas are more emotional, financial or even relational. I don’t think our God differentiates. I believe when we send up a ‘rocket prayer’ for immediate help, He hears us, sees our situation, and gives us an answer. He is our ever present help in our time of trouble.

It is a dark world out there! We need help to differentiate between what is real and true, and what is a trick the enemy has placed in front of us to trip us. Praise God that He tells us the dark WILL NOT OVERCOME THE LIGHT! Jesus is the light and no power the enemy concocts in his evil laboratory will overcome the Light of the world. I pray you will ask for ‘pink moons’ on dark nights. He is listening!

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