Do Or Do Not…There is No Try!

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Master Yoda at a Fountain

Matthew 5:37

But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

Did you know that May 4th is ‘Star Wars’ Day? “May the 4th be with you.” It’s a play on words I was not familiar with, until my grandchildren introduced me to the series. You see, back in the day when the series started, (1977) I had no interest in the series, and did not even have children yet! I was pretty sure I would not like something that called people ‘masters’. Only God IS Master! Over the years my understanding grew, as well as my love for my grandchildren and their interests. I began to see the series differently.

I began watching the series with the first episode, ‘The Phantom Menace’, that is not the way they were introduced to the public. I fell in love! Why? Because through the presentation of each character and their growth, I saw how the influence of good and evil is so subtle, but always there. I watched as sweet Anakin was lured to the Dark Side with a promise that Palpatine would be able to bring Padme back to life, after he had visions of his ‘secret wife’ dying. When his beloved Padme died in childbirth, and he could not raise her from her deathbed, it was too late, he had already gone to the Dark Side and became the evil Darth Vader!

That is a simplistic overview to give you a look at how sin is portrayed. Why? Because the enemy of our soul has no new tricks or tactics. He used deception, destruction, and death to lure Anakin into his trap. He does the same thing with us today.

My favorite character, however, is Yoda. The old, funny looking green character. He often talks a little backwards, but makes sense anyway. He is the guy who took the scripture in Matthew 5:37, and turned the words around but kept the meaning.

That is my focus of this blog today. Yoda, the ‘Master Jedi, some 900 years old, told Luke Skywalker, ‘do or do not, there is no try.’ Many times today we have the ‘I’ll try it’ mentality. If it doesn’t work, well, at least I tried. I believe that in our scripture today is this nugget of motivation, ‘just do it.’ We (I) are so easy to bail out of something that not long ago we said, ‘the Lord told me to do it’. Or, ‘I prayed about it and the Holy Spirit told me to marry him’. Six monthsafter the wedding you see the divorce announcement in the paper. We do not serve a schizophrenic God! As we have learned in Dr. Daniel’s articles, that may be Allah, as he changes his requirements many times. It is not THE God who created the Universe. He says about himself, ‘I change not’.

No, our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He said, ‘if you said you were going to do it…do it’. No excuses, no ifs, no buts! When we don’t do what we say, disaster strikes. Hearts are broken when promises are broken. Lives are lost when people abandon their responsibilities. Trust is just a hollow word when you cannot stay away from the thing that trips you up.

Please think first before you make a promise, sign on the dotted line, or tell someone ‘trust me’. You are sealing your words with your honor. If you don’t plan on keeping your word, what will the other person think of you? What will YOU think of you? What will God think of you?

The Star Wars series is considered a ‘space opera’. It is full of adventure, romance, betrayal, and a bunch of kookie characters and imaginative planets. Yet, under all the drama, I hope you will find some hidden truth in Yoda’s words…let them be motivational to you. They have been to me.

If you are a fan of Star Wars, please share what truths you have found lurking , maybe in the outer rim?

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