YOU Were Adopted!

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Laylani, Limas and Julius Liples

But when the set time had fully come, God sent His son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to son-ship. Because you are His sons, God sent the spirit of His son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba Father”. So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child, and since you are His child, God has made you also and heir.


“Well, You were adopted! That’s why you don’t look like anyone else in the family!” My mean streak kicked in and I began yelling that at my little brother after he broke one of my toys…again! Haven’t we all used that on a sibling in a time of distress? Well, it seems to me now, as and adult, being adopted is a fantastic accusation! A new and better world awaits for the one being adopted, though often the sting of rejection may linger, the reality of a new future is facing the adopted one. In the photo above are the three beautiful children adopted by my niece and nephew last year. Their future is so much brighter now that they are in a stable, caring and Christian home.

I began thinking about my own adoption, the adoption into God’s family. I thought of some similarities to our human adoptions. First, before we even gave God a thought, He already loved us! The Bible tells us that God knew us while we were being formed in the womb. He loved us and prepared a place for us way back then! My niece and nephew prepared their homes and finances, as well as their two children for the big event of bringing three new lives into their home.

Second, during the process with the judge, he officially gave the children their new last name. As believers we also are given a new name and identity; Christian, meaning little Christ. Theirs became Liples-a young Liples! Soon they would be exhibiting the habits and attitudes of their new Liples parents! Our new identity in Christ set us free from the old identity. We began to look, behave and sound more and more like our Heavenly Father, and less and less like our old man. We walk in newness of life.

Finally, when the children were officially proclaimed ‘Liples’, they were legal heirs to all that my niece and nephew possess. When we are adopted into God’s family, it’s the same! We inherit all that is His! He doesn’t have favorites, and it is forever! And that is true for ALL His children. There is enough for everyone!

I for one am glad I can say that I am adopted into a new family…the family of God. It requires no lawyers or money, just and open heart to ask forgiveness of God, and allow Him to come into your heart and remodel it. Then you can proclaim; “Yes, I am adopted, and I’m so glad I am! I have a new name written in my Dad’s Family Album! How about you? Can you say you have been adopted into the best family ever?


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