What’s Happening is Not Really What’s Going On!

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Psalm 27:1

1The LORD is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?

Has anyone ever handed you one of those drawings of something that looks like, well, either an old woman, or a beautiful young woman? Then they ask you, ‘what do you see?’ You are not really sure what you see, or what you are supposed to see, so you hesitate. There is really no right answer, it is drawn in such a way that it can be viewed as either woman, depending on your perspective.

I have a print hanging in my living room that is the same way. If you look straight at it, it appears to be a picture of fall foliage on a forest of trees. However, start to walk away, and it becomes a winter wonderland forest! It is designed to stimulate your senses and get you thinking!

I think we might be in that type of ‘optical illusion’ time frame in our history. What we see, and what the media tells us-may not be what’s really going on!

We count on the media to keep us informed of the important news in the nation, yet, do they really report it accurately? Since they have a limited time frame, they are expected to choose the news that we need to know the most. Do they? Are they giving us both sides of the story so we can ferret out the truth, or are they following an agenda assigned to them by some unknown force we are not privy to?

Recently I was watching a conservative news station that I felt pretty confident was giving us the ‘fair and balanced’ approach to the news. A guest that I have confidence in asked a question about the funding for the riots going on in so many places. He mentioned the name of a man who has notoriously has used his excessive wealth to fund candidates, elections, even the UK, to get what he wants. His name, George Soros, was mentioned. The moderator of the show immediately shut him right down and moved him to another topic explaining that ‘we don’t need to talk about George Soros.’ Why?

It was then that I realized, we are only being told what they want us to hear, not what we need to know.

Why would that be? We can only guess, maybe you are a better guesser than I am, but I believe, and I really hate to say this, they are also being paid off to be quiet. What do you think?

When my step-dad was alive, he often talked to us about theories going on around the world. We, as the ‘know it all’ baby boom generation would listen respectfully, but not believe much of what he was tossing at us. Now, older and more experienced at seeing and studying some of his theories, he might have been right, at least partially.

In this blog, I have no answers. Some of this goes way far beyond where the ‘regular joe’ even has access to the information, or knows where to look for it, or believe it when we find it. My goal is to just be like one of those pictures I talked about in the beginning. I want to motivate you to think in a different way about what you are viewing. Think with realistic expectations and an open mind. Think about, and study how some of this fits right in to what we know about the ‘end of the age.’ Remember, the more outlandish it may sound may just be the disguise that keeps it from being believed!

So, what do we think? We always go back to the Word of truth! God will not steer us down a wrong path. He will give us the answers we need, when we need them. The rest of it, we leave in His capable hands! He said;

Ephesians 6:13 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

The day of evil is here! God is our answer!

Think we might be in that day of evil? Let me know your opinion!

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