My Cinderella Story…Get in the Closet!

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Matthew 6:6-8 The Passion Translation 6 But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God,[ a] praying to him in secret.

If you are thinking that I was the work horse of the family as my step-sisters lived in luxury-you would be wrong! My Cinderella story is quite different. My REAL mom was the step-mom to three children, two girls. We did not have a hard life with her, but she did try to go overboard being especially kind to the three step children so as to ‘win them over’ and not be the wicked step-mom.

My brother and I lived to tell the tale and did not end up on drugs or homeless and destitute as a result of her step-parenting skills. We did have to get over some emotional scars. But is there anyone who doesn’t? No one seems to get to adulthood without dealing with some sort of issue that they need to work through.

I believe I was able to use a tactic that has served me well all my life. I am not sure if it is a practice that counselors use, but I highly recommend it. What is it? Solitude! We see several times in scripture where Jesus himself gets away from everyone and spends quality time with His father in prayer.

Years ago I watched a version of Cinderella with actual humans. Leslie Ann Warren was Cinderella and sang a song I have not forgotten; ‘In my own little corner in my own little chair, I can be what ever I want to be.’ That is the power we have when we go into our ‘corner’ or closet and meet with Holy Spirit.

As believers we need to cultivate that habit of ‘getting into the closet’ and turn off the world just enjoying the solitude with the father, son and Holy Spirit. When we seek His presence, he rewards it with an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility. All the stuff facing you in your day just seems to align in an orderly do-able manner. Or, it might even fall off your list as you find it unimportant.

When I was a teen and the issues with my step sisters overwhelmed me, I went to my corner in my room. Though I did not have a personal friendship with Jesus at that time, I believe He knew my heart and met me there even then. I say that because so many times when I went to my retreat, the issue melted off my shoulders and I was left with peace and a better attitude.

So take a hint from Cinderella…get into YOUR closet or prayer corner. When you do you will be amazed at the transformation you will have as you meet the Prince and dance His dance of beauty and grace. When we become His partner with His steps in our hearts-we won’t step on anyone’s toes! Try it…get into the closet!

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